Thursday, July 23, 2015

Walking and boats!

Phew it was a long day!

Started my morning with going to the metro. Then I got to school and we had a field trip today. We were going to go to the Maritime museum near the famous Columbus statue. We walked the whole way there. It was about a 30 minute walk there. Then we got to walk through the whole of the museum. There was a huge boat inside that took most of the room. It was so cool to see the intricate detail that went into such an amazing ship. Then there was an exhibit about messages in a bottle and I found it very interesting that these messages actually made it to the shore. Then I got some breakfast and then I decided why not walk back. So I walked back with some of my classmates back to the class. I walked another 30 minutes back and I kept up really well. I am thankful I have built my walking stamina up and am able to walk far distances and able to keep up with groups. It makes me feel successful in keeping up with my physical abilities.

Then I had psychology and we talked more about race and how it is perceived. It was another controversial day but that was okay we had a lot of good discussions. We didn't go on a field trip but after walking so much before hand I was very thankful for that!

Then I walked home and just came back and relaxed. It was so nice to just take a nap and watch some TV. Then I made some dinner and now I am planning my weekend.

Make sure to keep up with me this weekend to see what kind of fun stuff I do!

Until then!

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