Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday fun day!

So today I got to sleep in a little which was nice.

The weather here is so different then back home that is for sure. It gets kind of cold at night but not too cold and then right when the sun comes up I swear it is already up in the 90's. You can feel the temperature rising while laying in bed. I feel like that may be a good thing when getting up for classes! Anyways, I got up and just lazed around this morning. Had some breakfast, tried to check some stuff on the computer, worked on some of my homework. Then we finally made a decision of what we wanted to do. So our plan for the day was to go shopping and just look around the different stores since this is their one major sale season.

We took some time though since we stopped for some lunch. I had a pollo sandwich and a coke. It was very good. Then we got onto the metro and made it into the Barcelona City Center. We found basically an enormous version of Macy's and walked around a little trying to find different things. There were about 10 different floors if not more in this place. After some time there we decided it was time to stop and get something to drink. We stopped and I had a water but the restaurant had such an amazing view. It overlooked one whole part of the city. It was beautiful to see everything and how everything just seemed to fit together in this city. Then we finished our drinks and made our way back to find some shoes for one of the girls. Then we decided since nothing there worked to go and try H&M and there she found the dream shoes!

We made our way back to the metro station and there decided what to do. We made it back to the apartment safe and sound and just hung out for awhile. Then I made some dinner and now I am catching up on my blogs and going to start some of the essays for the other class so I can have most of them done hopefully before all of my other classes start. Tomorrow I am not sure what I will be doing but it is another adventure for sure!

Until then!

Also happy 4th of July to all of my friends and family back home in the United States! I hope you all have a wonderful time today! Watch some fireworks for me and wave some sparklers!

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