Sunday, July 19, 2015

Lazy Sunday

It has been the perfect day!

I woke up late and relaxed for a little in bed and then I finally did some laundry. I feel like I do more laundry here because of how sweaty and gross everything gets. Oh well. I was able to do all of it and now I feel a lot better!

Then I started on my homework. Tomorrow all of my essays are due for my classes back in England and Ireland/Scotland and I can finally say they are all done! Now I have time to relax and prepare for my Spanish midterm which is tomorrow.

I am slightly nervous just because I am not sure what to expect on this midterm or my psych one which is on Tuesday but I know that I will succeed if I study and prepare as much as possible.

Today is just a low key day since I was so active earlier this weekend. Who knows I might even take a nap!

BUT! Today is National Ice Cream day. So I had to go and run an errand and go pick some up to celebrate. This is now my favorite holiday. I've learned that ice cream can make any bad day become an amazing day. So enjoy some ice cream!!

Until tomorrow.

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