Tuesday, July 28, 2015

4 days already?

As the days are coming closer to an end I can't believe the amazing experience I have had here thus far.

So here are my 4 favorite memories of the trip:
1. Ireland. My favorite memory here was probably stepping off the bus after being together for the first time and seeing the majestic Cliffs of Moher and saying wow. They were absolutely beautiful and such an amazing way to start this trip off. It is one of the views I won't miss. The vibrant colors mixed with the wind and the short rain shower we had it was amazing.
2. Scotland. My favorite memory was actually while we were in the bus. I had expressed the night before we left that I had wanted to see Loch Lomond but I knew it would be out of our way. However, our driver made a detour and we were able to see it. It was gorgeous. We were on our way through the highlands and I just fell in love with their majesty as well. They really were gorgeous and I can only imagine the people that lived there and made their lives thrive in that area.
3. England. There are a lot of memories up to this point. I wish I could chose two. So I will be ;) The first was the chance to see all the different that I did. In particular Phantom of the Opera. I really wanted to see this show and I was so grateful I did because it was absolutely amazing. I loved it so much. The other favorite memory was when I went to see the queen for her birthday. I was so excited to have the chance to see the Queen. Not many people that live in England even get to see her so it was super cool that I did.
4. Spain. There are a lot of memories here as well. But some of my favorite ones were the times I just went out and got to explore around Sagrada Familia and around my apartment. I enjoyed the day I went and sat on a bench across from Sagrada Familia and just read. It was very relaxing and certainly a perfect ending to a good day.

So onto today!

I had Spanish today. It went really well! We went over some of the final stuff and then learned the past tense just for fun. We decided that since we learned everything else we could then just play scategories. We played that until the end of class which was super fun. Then I had psych which was good as well. We talked more about the cultural differences and how psychotherapy needs to be tailored to each individual that is receiving the treatment.

Then I walked home and stopped at the local fruit stand and picked up some peaches and some things for a salad. I can't wait to make it! Then I started some homework. I have a presentation tomorrow about different photos I have taken over the course of my trip and I will present them and talk about how they are culturally different. I will be working on my paper tonight as well and studying for my finals!

Until then!

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