Monday, July 6, 2015

First day of Class (Again!)

Today was so long and it is only 9pm!

Started off with getting ready and having some breakfast. I got a donut from a place across the street. Then we took the metro to the school and I got myself ready for my first ever Spanish class.

The class only has 3 people in it. Today we did some basics as well as covered the syllabus. It was an easy day and I left with some homework to complete. Then I had some time for lunch. I went to the local café next door and had a burger. It wasn't as good as I had hoped and went back over to the school building for my second class.

This class will be very long I can already tell. It is a cross-cultural psychology class. I am interested to see where it will go that is for sure. The room was really hot though and made it feel as though it dragged on forever today. We also covered the syllabus and was shocked when she mentioned we have a 10 page paper that will be due by the end of the course.

Then it hit me. I have so much to do in so little time. I already have a lot of homework pilling up and it is only day 1! I can manage though. If I can do it at Thiel with 18 credits I can certainly do it here with 15 credits.

Then I just relaxed for awhile. I was scheduled to go on a tour of the Gothic tour so I just chilled at the school building until it was time with another friend.

Then we made it into the old city center of Barcelona. I am still amazed at how beautiful some of this architecture is. It goes back most of it to the Gothic period but what our tour guide was saying was that the architecture on the Cathedral of Barcelona is basically newer and redone. It was cool to see some of the older parts and especially see the Roman connections again. I think the Romans were cool. Then we explored more of the buildings and finished in the famous area where the fountain and church are. This area was hit with bombs during the Spanish Civil War and the evidence is still present on the lower parts of the buildings.

Then we finished the tour and I headed home! Tomorrow I have another long day of classes!

Until then. 

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