Monday, July 13, 2015

Last day in Valencia

So sad to have been leaving Valencia!

I had such an awesome time though. We started off with some breakfast and packing to go back home. It was a nice morning to be going to one of Europe's largest aquariums!

We made it there and went right into the exhibits. Our first exhibit was the mediterranean. It was super cool some really nice fish. We even were able to go under a tunnel that brought you under the fish. Then we made our way to try and find the dolphin show. We walked through some of the different exhibits like the Arctic exhibit, and the tropical exhibit. We saw the tropical fish such as ones mentioned in Finding Nemo. It was really interesting to see some of these different animals. Then we made our way through the arctic exhibit which had some penguins or pinguino in Spanish! There were also Beluga's and some walruses. Then we made our way to the Dolphin show. It was really interesting to see such a big arena for them to be in. 

I realized as I was sitting there that I had not seen a dolphin show in about 10 years. I could be wrong but it just felt like a long time. The show started off and they did some really cool tricks. Like swimming backwards, and waving, and then jumping over the ropes. I think my favorite part of the show was where they started speaking between them. I was thinking that they probably thought we were all crazy for watching them do things that were natural to them. But otherwise I had a great time watching these beautiful creatures. 

Then we walked back through the shark exhibit. Made me think of this week being Shark Week and how I am missing out on all the fun there. But these sharks were really cool. They had a similar set up to how some of the Mediterranean exhibit was set up with a giant tunnel for the fish to go over you. This tank was full of sharks and with sting rays. It was so cool to have some of the sharks go overhead. 

After that we made our way back through to the outside where we met with the rest of the group and went together for our group picnic. We sat outside near a park and had some sandwiches, chips, a banana, and some water. It was good. Then we were back on the bus back to Barcelona. 

Nothing too eventful happened on the way home. But we made it back safe and sound. Some of my roommates and myself took a taxi home and we got ready for the week. I decided to take a nap when we got home, however my nap lasted a lot longer than I expected. So much longer in fact I just went to bed! I didn't mean to but I guess I just needed the sleep. Which I did! It was worth it this morning to be able to wake up and be quite peppy and awake. Which brings me to today! 

Until later

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