Friday, July 31, 2015

One last night

So tonight is my last day and night here in Barcelona. 

Before I talk about my day I just wanted to say a little farewell. 
From the moment I knew I was going to be studying abroad to now, I did not realize how lucky I was. I did not realize what kind of opportunity I was getting. Now that I am about to leave my apartment for the last time and get onto a plane tomorrow I realize just how wonderful this experience has been. I have grown in many ways that I can't even pinpoint to tell you. I have learned so much about myself and those around me that I have a new admiration for everyone around me and I have come to learn so many new things as well. If it were not for the study abroad chance I would not have come to find myself and fall in love with all these different cities. It still astonishes me the fact I have made it through 76 days worth of travel and I have made it out okay. I am very ready to be home in my nice new bed but I will miss all of the people and all of the adventures I got to partake in. Not only the adventures but the history and wisdom I got to learn on this trip as well really made the experience that much better. I am so thankful for this trip. 

Okay, okay I know enough blabbing. Though truly I did have an amazing time and I am so thankful I had this opportunity. Thank you to everyone who stuck it out with me and read every day about my adventures and what I was up to. It was because of you that I wrote down my every day thoughts and feelings. 

Okay onto my day! 

It was finals day. My Spanish final I feel like was super easy. I feel so confident on it that I know I did well on it. I flew through it and even on my speaking I did well. Afterwards she said that I spoke very well and that other then the few mistakes I made I had made wonderful improvements over the course. This was one of my goals on this trip was to be able to become decent in the Spanish language and I can say that I did just that and I am so proud and happy to say this! 

Afterwards I had my psych final. I was not sure what to expect but what I had to do was a lot easier and I was thankful for that. It was a case study with questions I had to answer regarding what we learned in class. I feel very confident on this as well. I wrote a lot of what I knew related to the topics and I just felt a lot stronger with my writing abilities. 

Afterwards we had our farewell lunch. It was delicious. I got these wrap things that were in lasagna noodles that were stuffed with meat and covered in cheese. Then I had this really good grilled chicken. For dessert I had the Catalan Cream that I made during our cooking class. It was delicious. Then we all got to toast with Cava which is the Spanish champagne. It was a wonderful meal. However, having to say farewell to those I have known for so long was very difficult. Knowing people for only a month was hard but not as hard as saying farewell to those I have come to know for over 2 and a half months. They are the ones I will remember more and think of during our memories in the British Isles. It was quite an experience and I am so thankful for it all. After the lunch we all separated ways and I came home and got to relax a little before I got ready for dinner. 

I met up with some other friends for dinner as another farewell kind of dinner. We went to a sushi place. I found it ironic we went here rather than a Spanish place but I did not mind! It was super good nonetheless. Plus I got to try sushi. It was so good! I am thankful I had the chance to try it and taste something new on my last night here. After dinner the storm had cleared a little so we could see the end of the magic fountain show. It was a perfect ending to the perfect trip. 

Tomorrow I will wake up ready to tackle the world. I will be leaving my apartment early and then traveling to the airport in the mid afternoon. Tomorrow night I will be on my flight to Iceland where I have a layover and will then proceed back to the States. 

Thank you all for following my journey. Although I have probably 2 more days worth of blogging I will just say it means a lot to me that all of you have read my adventures and what I have come to do everyday. I know some days are more boring than others but it was seriously some of the best experiences of my life. So with that I will say, 

Until tomorrow.  

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