Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Last day in Tarragona

Well today was a little better.

I was able to get out of bed more today and I stayed up a little longer and was able to read some of my book for class. Still not feeling the greatest though. I ate some food and napped for awhile again.

My goal for today though was to be able to see the fireworks that they put on here. I succeed in this goal! I walked down with some of my friends to the beach (which is about a 5 minute walk) and we sat on the beach and watched. It was really cool to see the light show and made me miss home and what I will be missing for the 4th however, this definitely made up for it. Then we came home.

I started not feeling good again but I am feeling better now.

Hoping this stops sometime soon! Tomorrow I make it to Barcelona where I will get situated in my new apartment.

Until then. 

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