Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A good ending to a good day

Just as the title says it was a great ending to a good day.

I started off with another day of class. Today we talked about the verb Gustar. I feel like I am finally able to understand a lot more then when I first got here. Being able to listen to people talk on the metro or around me I feel as though I am picking up more and more of their conversation. I guess my Spanish will be tested this weekend when I go out with Hailie. Then I had my psych class. We talked a lot about the identity in Catalonia and how they are trying to gain their independence. It was an interesting conversation and I can see why it is such a large controversy here in Spain. Then we talked about our own identity and we went around and talked about it all.

Then I came home and took a very much needed nap. Then I did an essay for my class back in the British Isles! It feels so nice to have 2 essays done, now I only have 5 more essays to go. Then I got ready to go for my mentor dinner. It was in a different place then I have ever been. But nonetheless it was very nice and had some markets.

We had a bunch of Tapas for dinner. We had to keep an open mind with everything we tried which was very necessary for some of the food we tried. The first thing that was brought out was octopus. we actually had just learned the word for octopus today in class, pulpo, and in Catalan it is pulp. So I knew what it was even before it came out. But that was not even the weirdest dish we had. Then we had an interesting stew. We didn't know what it was before trying it which was good. We found out it was cow stomach. It was interesting to try and interesting to eat that is for sure. It had an interesting sauce as well. We also had some pan con tomate which is the bread with a tomato spread. Then we had some snails, some peppers, and these ball things that reminded me of hush puppies called croquettas. I was really glad to try some of these things. Afterwards since everyone had tried something new we went out for gelato which was the perfect touch. I had Kinder Bueno and Vanilla gelato. Then we went to the top of the building where we got our gelato. This building just so happened to be an old bull fighting ring and on the top floor there is an observation deck where you can see out to all of the different places. I could see Sagrada Familia and other important landmarks. It was so cool.

Then we made it home and now I am working on some essays but will probably call it an early night because I am so tired. Tomorrow my friend comes in and I have a couple field trips.

Until then!

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