Thursday, July 9, 2015

Field trip!

Today was awesome

Although it was hot it was an overall really cool day.

I started off my morning to go to class and of course I see the beautiful Sagrada Familia. We get into the building for class and we are told we are going on a field trip! So we head out and stop first at a small café for some coffee and a breakfast pastry. I tried a café con leche which is coffee with milk. I didn't like it even with the sugar. I also had a very good croissant. It had a type of glaze and was  
thicker. It was good! I also met someone else on the trip who is from the same area! It's always fun to realize you know the area someone is talking about.

Then we made our way to the museum. It is a modern art museum and it was interesting. The exhibit we saw was about the urbanization and how people are forced to live in different conditions because of the city growing so much. I really enjoyed seeing the different pieces that the artists had put together. It was also neat to see the Catalan language being used. We walked around there for awhile and then after seeing the exhibit left to go back to the school. Once there I had some lunch then it was time for the next class.

We also were going on a field trip! This was exciting. However, we were going back to the place we had just been. It was nice though we had some drinks and talked about some of the articles we had read and compared that to how we are adapting to the study abroad experience. Then we talked for awhile about the major differences between cultures in both Spain and the States. It was a very good discussion. Afterwards we left and went to wander and basically get a chance to people watch. It was interesting between the different areas we went and the people we saw. I won't go into detail but it was very diverse and just interesting to see that although they may have spoken different languages or they were of different descent a lot of the same traditions were still going on. Such as talking in the street, sitting at a table and hanging with friends, being outside and just walking around, working their business. It was interesting just to watch everyone.

Afterwards I came home and rested for a little and packed for my next adventure tomorrow! We get to go to Valencia tomorrow and I am very excited to spend some time there and at the beach!

Until then!

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