Saturday, July 4, 2015


This is a day late :(

The wifi here is not the best but that is okay! I finally have a chance today to catch you up on my adventures thus far!

So today we had our cultural and academic orientation. I actually started my morning off with a placement exam for my Spanish class. I found out they would not be offering the intensive Spanish like I had originally signed up for so I changed my schedule around. I will be in the beginner level Spanish (since I know no Spanish and that was evident in the speaking exam) and a cross-cultural psychology class. I think it will be interesting and I am very intrigued to see what I learn in this class.

Then we had our cultural orientation. We learned more about the general area of Barcelona and then we did an exercise where we compared people from America, Spain, and then what the Spanish think of the Americans. It was a neat exercise for us to realize that there are stereotypes about Americans and that we also stereotype others. I think it was eye opening for some people as well. Then we talked more about the culture and then finally made our way to a coach bus (my favorite ;) and made our way to the coast line. We had lunch at this very cultural diverse restaurant which was nice. We had cultural dishes such as pan con tomate which is bread with tomato. We had calamari and sardines. I personally did not care very much for the sardines but I did enjoy the calamari. There was also a salad with asparagus, olives, and I think artichokes. Then the paella came out. It was so mouthwatering even just to look at! I was amazed at how much there was. I had the seafood paella. There was shrimp of all different sizes, muscles, small clams. I think there was even some kind of crab or lobster leg. Overall I was very full and I enjoyed every bite. I also didn't mind getting dirty to pull apart some of that shrimp. It was intimidating though since most of the seafood still had eyes. But I overcame that fear and ate as much as I could. Then we had a limeade type drink and some small cakes but I was full by the time dessert rolled around.

Then we were free for the rest of the day. Since we were right by the coast line we decided to dip our feet in. But that was it. Then we walked along the small boardwalk and stopped for some water. We sat and talked with other members of the group for awhile. Then we decided it was time to head home. But while on our way home we got side tracked by a small pier where we decided it would be fun to walk down and try and get some sun. It was worth the walk and having some sunshine. I enjoyed the view and thought it was absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to go back sometime and just sit and relax on the beach. Although the beaches here are very crowded. But then we did finally make it towards the right way of getting home. We got lost and instead got to explore a little more of the city on our way there but then finally made it to the metro and home.

Then I took a nap and woke up ate some dinner and then went back to bed!

It was a very long day that is for sure.

Until later. 

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