Monday, July 20, 2015

Midterm day!

Today has felt very long.

I started off my day with the first of two midterms I will have this school year. I had my Spanish midterm. I studied all night yesterday and prepared for it. I went in feeling confident and I have to say I feel like I did pretty well. A lot of what was on the exam was similar to what we have done in class so that made me feel a lot better. The speaking even went pretty well! I understood all of what she said and I feel as though I am finally grasping more and more of the Spanish. I am also just using it more daily in my every day encounters with other people in asking questions or pointing things out to people. Afterwards I had psych where we discussed one of the articles and we got to talk about stress. Another topic I talked a lot about in my neuro classes. I enjoyed being in familiar territory however, it was different from looking at it from the perspective of an immigrant and how they would experience the acute or chronic stress.

After class my friend and I were able to study for our psych midterm which is tomorrow. After that I came home and did some grocery shopping! I did really well staying below the amount I had kept for myself and I am really proud of that.

Tomorrow I have my midterm and then a tour of my neighborhood! It'll be cool to see it on foot and knowing I had seen it by bus as well.

Until then!

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