Friday, July 17, 2015

2 months already?!

In 2 months I have learned:
  • How to speak a little bit of Spanish! Okay, well that only took 2 weeks but still! In this time I have learned to appreciate more then one language and that happened even while in the British Isles while listening to the different dialects of Gaelic.
  • I have learned to be patient. Sometimes the train will be late, or the bus may be a little late. But that will be okay. It is fine to have to wait for a bill and talk with those around me. I hope to incorporate this while I'm at school because I want to be able to hold a conversation and actually enjoy the company of others.
  • I have learned to enjoy my surroundings. I know it has been hard for me to adapt to the Barcelona weather but I have really enjoyed getting to know the area. Today for example was a great day to experience it all.
I have learned quite a lot in these past 2 months. I still have another 2 weeks and then I go home and I can't believe the fact I am getting closer to being back to a comfort zone. It has been quite an experience to be tested and tried while overseas however it is one I will never forget.

So onto today!

Well Hailie and I started our day out with getting some coffee and breakfast. Then we got a taxi and made our way to Park Guell. This park was designed and made by Gaudi. The whole park is made with mosaics and very vibrant colors. The structures are as if they moved around the earth and let everything just come together from there. Except for the famous salamander. Which since we went early enough I got my picture in front of. Then we walked around the park and discovered more of its hidden beauty. We walked to the top where then we could see over the top of Barcelona. It was such a beautiful sight. I am so thankful and appreciative of the fact we got to do this! Afterwards we walked back down and then went inside the porter house and gift shop. Each of which had their own special personality to. Then we made our way to find the bus tour. 

We walked down this long hill and finally came upon the bus. We got onto the blue line which brought us around the northern part of Barcelona. On this route we saw a lot of different things that related to Gaudi and his specific architecture. The one for example was a gate that he made to look like a dragon and the mouth can actually be activated and moved. It was a nice little stop that we made. Then we caught the next bus and rode around some more. We went through Diagonal as well as the other shopping and financial districts until we came to a stop at Catalyuna. There we stopped and got some lunch and shopped at El Corte Ingles. After that we decided on taking the red line which would eventually take us 2 hours. We started at Catalyuna and went through Espana which is where we were yesterday to see the magic water fountain. After that we went up the mountain towards Montjuic. We finally made it to the stop where the cable cars were and we decided spur of the moment we would go and do it. So we did exactly that! We hopped off the bus and went on a ride in a cable car across the beautiful scenery of Barcelona. While on the cable car we could see a panoramic of the city and more I felt like. I could point out specific places like Sagrada Familia and some others like the city center as well. Then we made it to the top where the castle was. Even though we would have had to pay to get into the castle walking around was enough. We could still see all of the stellar views and more. I think the best part was being able to see the harbor from high above and seeing all of the different ships in the harbor. Plus seeing the rest of Barcelona. After that we went back down the mountain in the cable car and got back on the bus. We finished our tour on the red line by passing the Olympic stadium and passing the harbor and the beauty that brings. Then we made it back to Catalyuna where then we switched buses and went back to Sagrada Familia.

Then we had made it through our day! We parted ways and then met back up for some dinner. After dinner Hailie and I hung out for a little and then we parted again. 

Tomorrow we are being tourists again. Make sure to read tomorrow's blog to find out what we do!

Until then.  

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