Friday, July 31, 2015

One last night

So tonight is my last day and night here in Barcelona. 

Before I talk about my day I just wanted to say a little farewell. 
From the moment I knew I was going to be studying abroad to now, I did not realize how lucky I was. I did not realize what kind of opportunity I was getting. Now that I am about to leave my apartment for the last time and get onto a plane tomorrow I realize just how wonderful this experience has been. I have grown in many ways that I can't even pinpoint to tell you. I have learned so much about myself and those around me that I have a new admiration for everyone around me and I have come to learn so many new things as well. If it were not for the study abroad chance I would not have come to find myself and fall in love with all these different cities. It still astonishes me the fact I have made it through 76 days worth of travel and I have made it out okay. I am very ready to be home in my nice new bed but I will miss all of the people and all of the adventures I got to partake in. Not only the adventures but the history and wisdom I got to learn on this trip as well really made the experience that much better. I am so thankful for this trip. 

Okay, okay I know enough blabbing. Though truly I did have an amazing time and I am so thankful I had this opportunity. Thank you to everyone who stuck it out with me and read every day about my adventures and what I was up to. It was because of you that I wrote down my every day thoughts and feelings. 

Okay onto my day! 

It was finals day. My Spanish final I feel like was super easy. I feel so confident on it that I know I did well on it. I flew through it and even on my speaking I did well. Afterwards she said that I spoke very well and that other then the few mistakes I made I had made wonderful improvements over the course. This was one of my goals on this trip was to be able to become decent in the Spanish language and I can say that I did just that and I am so proud and happy to say this! 

Afterwards I had my psych final. I was not sure what to expect but what I had to do was a lot easier and I was thankful for that. It was a case study with questions I had to answer regarding what we learned in class. I feel very confident on this as well. I wrote a lot of what I knew related to the topics and I just felt a lot stronger with my writing abilities. 

Afterwards we had our farewell lunch. It was delicious. I got these wrap things that were in lasagna noodles that were stuffed with meat and covered in cheese. Then I had this really good grilled chicken. For dessert I had the Catalan Cream that I made during our cooking class. It was delicious. Then we all got to toast with Cava which is the Spanish champagne. It was a wonderful meal. However, having to say farewell to those I have known for so long was very difficult. Knowing people for only a month was hard but not as hard as saying farewell to those I have come to know for over 2 and a half months. They are the ones I will remember more and think of during our memories in the British Isles. It was quite an experience and I am so thankful for it all. After the lunch we all separated ways and I came home and got to relax a little before I got ready for dinner. 

I met up with some other friends for dinner as another farewell kind of dinner. We went to a sushi place. I found it ironic we went here rather than a Spanish place but I did not mind! It was super good nonetheless. Plus I got to try sushi. It was so good! I am thankful I had the chance to try it and taste something new on my last night here. After dinner the storm had cleared a little so we could see the end of the magic fountain show. It was a perfect ending to the perfect trip. 

Tomorrow I will wake up ready to tackle the world. I will be leaving my apartment early and then traveling to the airport in the mid afternoon. Tomorrow night I will be on my flight to Iceland where I have a layover and will then proceed back to the States. 

Thank you all for following my journey. Although I have probably 2 more days worth of blogging I will just say it means a lot to me that all of you have read my adventures and what I have come to do everyday. I know some days are more boring than others but it was seriously some of the best experiences of my life. So with that I will say, 

Until tomorrow.  

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Remembering home

So today was an interesting day. 

However, before I start since I have 2 days left here is 2 different sets of advice I give to those who are considering study abroad. 
1. Pick a place you find interesting. When I was considering my study abroad I originally considered Australia. But then my mom told me it would be too far away and to maybe choose somewhere else. So I looked into other places and found Ireland. I fell in love with the profile that CIS had created and I wanted to go there. However, I knew I wanted to travel. So after looking more into their programs I found mine and realized that I would get to see so many different things plus everything I would have wanted to do on my free time if I had done a semester program. I fell in love with this program for the fact it was decently priced, the excursions that were offered, the classes, and the idea of traveling to more than one country. Also don't just pick a place for the price. You never know how great a country would be based on the money. 
2. Take a chance. This is more for even just starting out on the study abroad experience. It truly is an experience and I believe that everyone should take this opportunity. Even if it consists of going to a country for a mission trip or even going to Canada. It is part of the experience of going that makes a difference. I think that this also most definitely applies to when you are abroad because you never know what kind of opportunities will arise while you are abroad. For example, my favorite memory is going to see the Queen for her official birthday and had I not taken the chance to go and see her I would have never experienced this awesome ceremony. 

So go and study abroad! It is truly a once in a lifetime experience and I think everyone should do it at least once in their life even if it isn't for studying but just for traveling. It is worth it. Learning about other cultures and becoming more open minded is one of the best things I have learned on this trip. 

Okay, enough about my advice! Onto my day!

So today I had Spanish and we did our final review for our exam tomorrow. I feel very confident that I will do really well. I am so impressed with how much I have come to learn through this class and that I am able to do so much with how much Spanish I have learned in this short amount of time. I am now able to create 100 word essays, and speak about different things in my life almost fluently. It may not be very good but I can hold a decent conversation and that was one of my goals on this trip and I have successfully completed it. 

In psych today I presented my photo project. I talked about the different aspects of the cultures I visited had impacted me. I spoke about the Scots and how their culture with superstitions and kilts were different from my expectations originally. Then I talked more about the Queen and then about the housing situation in Spain as well as the food and the beaches here. Then we went for drinks as a class and closed for the semester. I found it interesting how we were able to talk about going home and connect to the culture we now know here. 

Afterwards I had a reentry workshop brought on by CIS. We had a good time talking about our experiences but in particular how it will be like to go back to the US. We first talked about how this study abroad experience can actually be helpful when looking at jobs and graduate schools. We did practice interviews in how these experiences will help us and learned how to portray this experience. Then we talked about what it will be like talking to others when we return to the US and how people will ask us about our experience and how to go about telling them and showing them different aspects of our trip. I also had my first empanadas of the trip during this workshop. They were not what i was expecting honestly. I thought it would taste different but either way it was good. 

Then I came home and got started on my paper and I can officially say that I am finished with my 10 page paper! I am so proud of the fact it is done and over with. I am also just thankful it is done so I can finish studying for my exams tomorrow and relax for the night. 

Tomorrow I have finals and then I think I might go back to the magic fountain as a last hurrah. 

Until then.  

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Finals time

It is still crazy to me that I leave in 3 days and that finals for this trip are approaching quickly.

Today for only 3 days left will be the 3 things I will miss the most from my study abroad experience.
1. The food. There is really something special with the food they have here. It tastes so different. Even just regular things like Oreo's taste different. They have a lot of strict regulations compared to the U.S. and also things are more fresh. Just today I had probably one of the best juiciest peaches in awhile. It was so fresh. Not just the fruit but rather than fast food they believe in having a pre-packaged sandwich and almost every deli, café, or even restaurant's have these. I think that this is one of the biggest changes I will experience. I will also really miss Fanta limon. It has come to be one of my favorite drinks while I have been here. It is a Fanta version of lemonade and it is delicious.
2. The ability to see a lot in a small amount of time. While on my study abroad as mentioned before I have been to 5 different countries, about 23 different cities, and have been traveling at this point for 73 days. I have seen so many different exhibits and tourist things as well as some of the local things. I have been able to see famous paintings, churches, musicals, and sites. This will be one of the things I miss the most. I will miss every day seeing the Sagrada Familia as I walk to class or when I was in London and making it to the center and seeing Big Ben or the London Eye. These are views and images I will never forget. 3. The independence. Part of growing on this trip has been my independence. I have learned to travel by myself in the cities I have been to thus far. For example, I walk home from class through the barrio of Gracia. I get to people watch on my way home and I get to see the different characteristics as they pass by. While in London I got to explore different museums on my own. Not only physically have I been independent but I feel as though I have learned to be more conscious of my own money and being careful with how I spend every dollar. I will miss having the ability to walk through these cities and learn about them as I get lost thru their beauty and people.

So onto today!

I got ready earlier than normal because I started feeling sick this morning. But I am doing good now. I came to Spanish today and it was one of the best classes I have had this whole time. I was the only one in class which was really nice because I had the ability to speak more and actually hold conversations with the teacher and get the one-on-one help I needed before this final. I know I will do greatly on this exam.

Then I had psych where we discussed an article on mental illness and how different cultures can sometimes perceive these as something different. Then we started presenting our photo projects. I will be presenting mine tomorrow.

I came home and got to relax for a little bit. It was kind of hot today so getting to just lay down and sit by the fan was really nice. Then I had the chance to work on my paper for my psych class. It has to be about 10 pages and so far I am on page 4. I feel like I can really get this done tonight. So that is my goal!

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

4 days already?

As the days are coming closer to an end I can't believe the amazing experience I have had here thus far.

So here are my 4 favorite memories of the trip:
1. Ireland. My favorite memory here was probably stepping off the bus after being together for the first time and seeing the majestic Cliffs of Moher and saying wow. They were absolutely beautiful and such an amazing way to start this trip off. It is one of the views I won't miss. The vibrant colors mixed with the wind and the short rain shower we had it was amazing.
2. Scotland. My favorite memory was actually while we were in the bus. I had expressed the night before we left that I had wanted to see Loch Lomond but I knew it would be out of our way. However, our driver made a detour and we were able to see it. It was gorgeous. We were on our way through the highlands and I just fell in love with their majesty as well. They really were gorgeous and I can only imagine the people that lived there and made their lives thrive in that area.
3. England. There are a lot of memories up to this point. I wish I could chose two. So I will be ;) The first was the chance to see all the different that I did. In particular Phantom of the Opera. I really wanted to see this show and I was so grateful I did because it was absolutely amazing. I loved it so much. The other favorite memory was when I went to see the queen for her birthday. I was so excited to have the chance to see the Queen. Not many people that live in England even get to see her so it was super cool that I did.
4. Spain. There are a lot of memories here as well. But some of my favorite ones were the times I just went out and got to explore around Sagrada Familia and around my apartment. I enjoyed the day I went and sat on a bench across from Sagrada Familia and just read. It was very relaxing and certainly a perfect ending to a good day.

So onto today!

I had Spanish today. It went really well! We went over some of the final stuff and then learned the past tense just for fun. We decided that since we learned everything else we could then just play scategories. We played that until the end of class which was super fun. Then I had psych which was good as well. We talked more about the cultural differences and how psychotherapy needs to be tailored to each individual that is receiving the treatment.

Then I walked home and stopped at the local fruit stand and picked up some peaches and some things for a salad. I can't wait to make it! Then I started some homework. I have a presentation tomorrow about different photos I have taken over the course of my trip and I will present them and talk about how they are culturally different. I will be working on my paper tonight as well and studying for my finals!

Until then!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Time to get down to buisness

Today was a relaxing day 

I had to get my butt in gear to get moving this morning but once I was up I was ready for an awesome day. But first let me talk about the 5 foods I have loved the most since I have been here: 

1. Paella. this is a traditional Spanish dish and is a staple here in the North of Spain. It includes rice, seafood, and a few peppers and onions. My favorite paella was the one we had at our welcome lunch. It was my first time ever having this dish and it was delicious. Plus the seafood was fresh and there was tons of it! Most times there are muscles, shrimp, octopus, calamari, clams, and I think scallops. It is simply delicious! 
2. Muscles. I don't remember having muscles before coming to Spain but they are delicious! At one of our meals we had a plate full and I swear I must have had half the plate they were so good! They taste so different compared to the other seafood I have had. 
3. Fish and Chips. A pure British staple was this dish. I had it a couple of times while overseas. I think the best time I had it was actually in Belfast Ireland at the Titanic museum! The fish just seemed very fresh and the fries were a different texture then normal.
Gelato. and pretty much every dessert I have come across! I think the only dessert that was weird to me was the frita leche which was the fried milk. I expected it to taste like fried ice cream but it was definitely not that! Gelato is delicious though and they make so many different flavors from it! I really enjoy the white chocolate flavor and the kinder flavors! 

5. Peanut butter and Jelly. This is supposed to be a funny one. I have come to realize just how good these sandwiches are and how a person really can depend on peanut butter. In America we take for granted how easy it is to just make a PB&J. In Spain I purchased a small thing of peanut butter for 4 euros. It's expensive but it was so worth it. Reminded me of home. Plus it is simple to make and easy for on the go!

Okay onto my day! I got up this morning and made my way to class. I realized that I will probably need to purchase just one more train ticket before I head home. Once I made it to school I was able to relax for a few minutes before class. 

In Spanish we had a different teacher. The one we had for the past three weeks was working with another course and therefore we got a new one. I really like her. We went through a lot of different things which was nice in the long run for what we have to learn. We learned more about the present tense and about the weather! It was cool being able to actually form sentences and being able to complete these exercises. Then I had psych. Today we discussed a case study and applied different cross cultural strategies to it. Like always there was a lot of discussion and speculation on certain parts but overall it was an interesting topic for the day. 

Then I came home and decided I really need to nap and took a nap for about an hour and a half. Except when I woke up I thought I had slept through my classes and was frantically getting ready until I looked at my phone and realized it was almost 6 in the evening. . . Oops! I got up and decided  
it was time to do my weekly laundry haul. I also decided it was time to pull the suitcase out and start the endeavor in packing. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Since I am returning home I came to the conclusion that I can actually discard a lot of the stuff I originally had brought with me such as some pants that were ripped, shoes that have become super gross, and all the empty bottles of shampoo and conditioner. I have one side full of souvenirs and the other side is sitting empty as my clothes dry over night. I have come to enjoy line drying my clothes. One of the things I might just have to bring back with me to the states! Then I made some dinner and read my articles for class for tomorrow and now I am going to finish the rest of my homework and read until I get tired again! Tomorrow I am not sure what the day will bring! 

Until then! 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sitges Day!

Only 6 days left here and I can't believe the time I have had here thus far.

Today I have 6 challenges I have experienced on this trip:

1. New Languages. Being in Spain I knew I would encounter a language barrier. It actually has been a lot easier than I had expected. I am learning more and more of the language each day and am feeling more confident each time I speak. But we also encountered new languages in Ireland and Scotland with their own Gaelic languages.
2. Trying new food. Although I am not a picky eater there have been a few foods that I had no intention of trying but I did. For example, in Spain at our welcome lunch we had sardines. I did not particularly care for those. Then at our mentor dinner we had octopus which I have never really had as well as cow stomach. That was actually very gross and was thankful I had taken a bite before finding out what it was. In the British Isles I did not experience this as much due to how similar the foods are to back in the States.
3. Physical ability. Coming on this trip I knew there would be a lot of walking. However, I was unaware of how much this would actually come out to be. In Ireland and Scotland I averaged about 15,000 steps a day. In England around 5,000-10,000 depending on what I was doing that day. In Spain I average about 10,000 steps as well. I have learned how to hike mountains which I had no idea even how to do and I trusted in the fact that I could get back up after coming back down. I also realized that eating healthy really does help and gives me the strength to be able to go on these excursions and trips I wanted to do.
4. Meeting new people. Even though I am seen as a social butterfly I get really nervous in meeting new people. But on this trip I have learned that meeting new people is quite fun and lets you experience new ideas, thoughts, and traditions. When I met all 21 girls on the British Isles trip I was unsure of what to expect but in the end we all became close and I was thankful for the experiences we had. As for the people in Spain I am thankful I have had the chance to become closer with them too.
5. Traveling so much. The one thing I was looking for out of a study abroad was the ability to go to new countries and experience as much as possible. I knew it would be rigorous but I was not expecting what I got. There were some nights we left the hostel in the morning checked into a new one that night and the next morning we were out of there again. I learned how to pack light and only take out the necessities at night. It was quite the adventure nonetheless.
6. Adapting to different cultures. This has been the biggest challenge I feel. When I came to Ireland I was unsure of what to expect. I knew they enjoyed their Guinness and really liked potatoes. But I was taken aback at how much they respected their country and were thankful to be in it. In Scotland I thought it was all about haggis when in fact they had a strong appreciation for the highlands, for their identity whether it was in the mountains or in the city. They were also very quite and more closed off compared to the Irish but that was part of their culture as well. In England, they were very fast paced and enjoyed the city life. Granted we were living close to the city so it might have been different if we were further out of the city. Either way it was another culture we had to adapt to. Especially when taking the underground; there was barely ever anyone talking and when they did they knew you were a tourist most times. In Spain, this has been a totally different cultural experience then I had ever experienced! The times people eat, to what they eat, and to how they survive in this heat has been a challenge. They eat dinner some nights after 8 or 9pm and they eat so much seafood. I love seafood but sometimes it feels like too much. This heat too though has been killer and they say that it has been a crazy heat wave and even the locals are not used to it. But they keep going with their everyday lives as though it doesn't matter or mean anything. It was definitely something to get used to.

Okay, now that I have talked a little about the challenges I have experienced here so far here is what I did today!

I started my day by waking up and getting ready for the beach! Yes I said it, Beach day! I went to the metro and actually got very lost. My friend and I were going to another town to go to the beach which meant we needed to take the rail train which is like the above ground train. I got off at the wrong line so I was all over the place. I ended up going back to where I started and realized I was at the right stop just the wrong line so I made my way to meet her and I finally found her. We got on the train and made our way to the beach!

We made it to Sitges! We just walked through the small town and got a feel for it. It was super cute. I got some more postcards of course and then we made our way to a little café for some lunch. I got a chicken Panini that was delicious! Then we made our way to the beach. We had decided that since it would be harder to find a place in the sand we could buy beach chairs for cheap and just get to lay out in the sun. We did that and it was the best decision! I didn't get all sandy which was very nice. I went out into the water a few times but I mostly stayed and enjoyed the sun. After about 2 and a half hours we realized we were tired and it was time to go home. We left on the rail and came back to the station.

I came home and then took a nap which was wonderful. Then I made some dinner and did some homework for tomorrow! This is my last week here and I know I will be just relaxing and preparing myself for my trip home.

Until then!  

Saturday, July 25, 2015

One week

So, wow I have only one week left. I honestly can't believe it. **This will be a long blog**

I have decided that since I only have 7 days left here in Spain that I will reflect on the different aspects of this trip. Today I will reflect on 7 different things that were extremely different. I will go down from there with 6 days tomorrow. So here it goes!

1. The water. In the European countries I have visited they have both sparkling and natural or still water. I have had to make sure I ask for natural or still water. In the British Isles you normally can get tap water but in Spain they give you a bottle and you have to pay for that. Some of the water gets expensive. But you have to stay hydrated!
2. The weather. I honestly was unsure of what to expect for the weather in these countries. In Ireland it was super chilly and Scotland was chilly but not as bad as Ireland. I feel as though the rain made it somewhat worse in Ireland. In England it was beautiful. Actually, it was a lot better than I had expected! I knew that normally the weather in England would be rainy and not very good. In Spain I was in for a treat. They have been experiencing a heat wave making the weather reach high temps in the 90's most days and the highest day was 105. It has been eye opening in the different climates each country experiences.
3. Wifi. In the States everyone has data or has very good wifi in different places. In Europe that was quite different. In some places I would have decent wifi where I could send messages and check Facebook in some I could barely even find service. But that was okay. It helped me disconnect from the world back home and enjoy my surroundings.
4. Peanut Butter. They do not have peanut butter everywhere. Some places it costs over 4 euros! It's like Oreos! Aunt Karen I understand why you miss them so much now! Which brings me to my next difference.
5. Pancakes. I still have yet to find any in Spain. . . The breakfasts here consists of pastries though and they are very delicious. The breakfast in England was also different they eat a lot of fruit and a lot of yogurt in both England and in the rest of the British Isles. I think the biggest difference is the baked beans. I still think that is a little weird!
6. The style. I feel like everyone here is so stylish! Everyone shops at the same stores which have a ton of amazing things. H&M, Zara, and Topshop are some of the few that they go to!
7. Living situations. When I first arrived to Ireland I had never stayed in a hostel before. But to this point I have stayed at 10 different places on this trip and have visited 24 different cities. I have stayed in hostels, hotels, dorms, and apartments. Each of them were different and brought forth new challenges I had to face. It was overall one of the best experiences I had because I was able to adapt to living in shared housing of 12 girls and then to living with just myself. It was a highlight for sure.

So these are the 7 differences between the States and Europe that I have noticed. There are tons more but for now these are the ones I chose! So onto my day:

I got to wake up kind of late and I just relaxed then decided it was time to figure out what I was doing for the day. I got up and saw that it was raining! It was so nice! I was actually kind of cold last night. Anyways, I got up and showered and got ready. I was going to meet my one friend at the train station and then head to the cosmocaixa. We found our way after getting on the metro and then a bus. When we got there we met up with our other friend and we started our adventure. We purchased tickets for both the planetarium and the museum. On the bottom floor were the different exhibits. There was a lot to do with fossils and the physical earth which I have not seen a lot of in other museums. But there was stuff about physics and how water can turn into tornadoes and hurricanes. My favorite part was the exhibit of the different sizes of brains in different animals. I find it interesting that the human brain isn't really all that big compared to animals. I also found it interesting that one of the only brains they did not have was a rat brain. I was actually very angry over that seeing as I talked about them so much in neuro and neuropharm! But there was another portion dedicated to Cajal. We went through the rainforest exhibit as well which was cool because they basically recreated the rainforest. This included the different animals and fish and birds. There were even snakes and tree frogs. Then we walked around the different levels and found a drug exhibit. It reminded me a lot about neuropsychopharmocology. I had a good time remembering the different drugs and their function and how they react in the body. It was an exhibit explaining where the drugs come from, how they are bad for the body, and some different prevention tips. After that we made our way to the planetarium.

When I bought the ticket I wasn't sure what we were going to see. It ended up being a 3-D video called "To Space and Back" it showed how we don't know a lot about space but with the new technology of the world and our curiosity we are more likely to learn more. We also saw a lot about the different satellites they use in space which was not something I knew about. There was also a segment that talked about how technology used in space is now used in medical health, our own every day technology, and the products we have in space now. After it was done we decided to head home.

We found our way back to the bus and then found our way back to the metro. I decided I would go home and treat myself to a nice dinner. I had some pasta and I bought some garlic bread and made myself a nice pasta dinner. It was delicious. Afterwards I got to relax. I'm calling it a night soon it's been a long day! Tomorrow I am going to the beach and I can't wait!

Until then.

Busy Friday!

Busy Friday night I should say!

I started my day out right by finally having the chance to sleep in for a little! It was so nice! I got up and just hung out for the beginning portion of the day. Then I got up and got dressed and got ready for an awesome day.

I went down near Sagrada Familia and just looked at the different shops again getting any ideas for some last minute gifts. I actually found some perfect ones for my new roommates this year. After walking around for a little I came back home and relaxed because I knew it would be a long night!

I left my apartment and made my way to Placa Catalyuna where I met up with some of the other kids from the trip. We bought the rest of our tickets for the night bus and then made our way to El Corte Ingles where we had a quick bite to eat. I had a bacon cheeseburger. There was actual Bacon on it! I was so excited and happy. It was the best burger I have had here hands down. Then we made our way to the bus stop for our night bus!

We were worried when we arrived because of how many people were already waiting but then we found out it was no big deal because everyone would be on the top of the bus. So we relaxed and got onto our bus. We drove around the different areas and saw a lot of the same things I saw on my day bus tour. This time though we saw the Arc De Triomph as well as the Zoo. We also saw a few other Gaudi buildings I had not seen on my original tour. We even had a chance to go and see the Magic Fountain Show right in front of the MNAC. That was really cool because even though I had seen it far away listening to the music and feeling the mist off of the fountain really is a completely different experience. Then we got back on the bus. We even got to see the Olympic stadium and see the inside. I learned that it is actually smaller than most of the football stadiums in the States. Crazy to think about for sure! Then we also got to see both facades of the Sagrada Familia at night. It was really beautiful also to see some of the stained glass lit up inside. Then we made our way through some of the other busy streets and saw Port Olympic where the cruise ships are kept and made our way back to Placa Catalyuna.

Then I came home and went right to bed! It was such a long night and I was so tired!

Until tomorrow!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Walking and boats!

Phew it was a long day!

Started my morning with going to the metro. Then I got to school and we had a field trip today. We were going to go to the Maritime museum near the famous Columbus statue. We walked the whole way there. It was about a 30 minute walk there. Then we got to walk through the whole of the museum. There was a huge boat inside that took most of the room. It was so cool to see the intricate detail that went into such an amazing ship. Then there was an exhibit about messages in a bottle and I found it very interesting that these messages actually made it to the shore. Then I got some breakfast and then I decided why not walk back. So I walked back with some of my classmates back to the class. I walked another 30 minutes back and I kept up really well. I am thankful I have built my walking stamina up and am able to walk far distances and able to keep up with groups. It makes me feel successful in keeping up with my physical abilities.

Then I had psychology and we talked more about race and how it is perceived. It was another controversial day but that was okay we had a lot of good discussions. We didn't go on a field trip but after walking so much before hand I was very thankful for that!

Then I walked home and just came back and relaxed. It was so nice to just take a nap and watch some TV. Then I made some dinner and now I am planning my weekend.

Make sure to keep up with me this weekend to see what kind of fun stuff I do!

Until then!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Thunderstorms and relaxation

Well today started out very interestingly!

I woke up to the sound of thunder and then I looked at my window and my curtain was basically out the window. I then saw the beautiful lightning outside my window and realized I still had clothes on the line so I went and got them off and just laid in bed listening to the rain and the thunder. It was so nice to have that.

Then I woke up and it was cooler. It was so nice. Then I made my way to class. I started off with a quiz in Spanish which I felt like I did really well on until I remembered I used the wrong version of the verb. I was kind of angry but I know it is all part of me learning the language. Then we learned a ton of verbs and how to tell time! Which is very important and I feel so much more useful when it comes to being here in Spain. Then I had psychology and we talked about sexual and gender difficulties in the world and how they differ between countries and how every country seems to struggle with this fight for equality. After that my real adventure started!

My friend and I had planned earlier in the week that we would go and get massages at this place on Las Ramblas. It was an adventure going to the place because it was not in a very obvious location. Once we were inside and looking at prices I realized I would feel more comfortable with just getting a pedicure so I got a special one. This included just cleaning of my feet and a foot massage. That had to be the best part. I almost fell asleep while she was doing them! Afterwards me and my friend went walking for a little and found a place for some tapas.

We found this cute little restaurant and we shared some sautéed mushrooms. She also got calamari and I got this thing called frita leche which means fried milk. It was very interesting and honestly I think it is more of an acquired taste as well as getting used to the texture. That was the weirdest part for me was the texture. Then we got ready for our cooking class.

We made our way to meet the group and we made it to the place. It was kind of hidden but very cute. We were assigned different groups. Some people were in charge of cutting veggies, or getting the gazpacho ready. Me and my friend had the role of getting dessert prepared. We made a dessert that was similar to crem brulee. After that we got to relax and eventually eat all that we made! Our first dish was a pizza type thing that had roasted peppers and onions mixed with (a lot of) goat cheese on this really thin flat bread. It was delicious! Then we had our gazpacho. Ours was made with watermelon and beets along with the normal vegetables
 which gave it a sweeter taste and was almost less dense then the original type of gazpacho. Then we had our main course. It was cava chicken. It was chicken in this sauce that had cream, cava champagne, onions, and mushrooms. It was so good and rich. I didn't think there was room in my tummy after all that! But there was for dessert. It was Catalana cream. It was so cool we even got to do our own torching for the topping. It was just an amazing experience to get to cook this meal and then have the ability to eat it. I'm excited to try and make these foods back home and give my friends and family a chance to experience this Spanish food.

Then I came home and got to relax for a little! Its been a great day! Tomorrow I have another field trip and then it is onto my last weekend here.

Until then!