Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Phantom

Of the Opera is here, inside my mind!

I will get to that a little later. But today was so great! I started off at the Tower of London with my group. I spent about 2 hours there. It was a lot of fun to go back through the history. We had a guided tour from one of the Yeoman Warders which are basically the people who would defend the castle and be a type of bodyguard for the royals at the time. It was really interesting the fact we got to see the chapel that was made for King Henry VIII. We also saw where Queen Anne Boleyn had been buried in the church and where she was beheaded in the square. Then we saw the crown jewels of England! They were absolutely beautiful. I found it interesting the fact that during a special event the queen will actually use her crown that is placed there with all of the other crown jewels. After spending some time there we traveled to the British Museum. Our assignment here was to get a picture of the Rosetta stone and then get a selfie with it. So I did! Here it is! We walked around for awhile on the ground floor throughout the ancient Egyptian exhibit and the Ancient Greece, and Ancient Assyrian's. Then we took the train home and I got ready for an amazing night!

My friend Hailie and I got tickets to see Phantom! I didn't really know much about the show. I had seen the movie once but wasn't really into it all that much and I tried reading the book as well and that didn't go very far either. But sitting in Her Majesty's Theater and seeing the stage I was just so thrilled to have the chance to go! Sadly our seats had a somewhat restricted view but that wasn't all that bad until the end when we couldn't see the ending. But it was SO amazing. I could talk about it all day. The chandelier that they use has been the same one for 28 years and that theater is the same one they have used for that time as well. It was just so beautifully done. Afterwards I came home and started listening to the soundtrack and I couldn't because of how well they sang on stage compared to the soundtrack. I just had such an amazing experience. Plus! Afterwards I got to meet the actors and get my picture with them! They were so kind and so willing to talk to us. I informed the actor that played the Phantom that I cried and his response was "Well that's good, I like to know that people cried, it is a love story after all. Sadly though he does get rejected." It was a moment I will never forget.

It was such an unbelievable night and one I truly won't forget. Tomorrow I am going to see Book of Mormon!

Until Then!  

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