Monday, June 22, 2015

Are we born wicked?

Or do we have wickedness thrust upon us?

Today was a very fun day.

Started off in class which is always a blast. Talked a little about Robin Hood and then a little bit about Browning. Then we left for the day!

I had no idea what I was going to do until I remembered the famous Abbey Road. We took the Underground into Jubilee and then walked for what felt like forever. But then we finally made it! You know you made it to Abbey Road because although there may be tons of cars going past there are people always trying to get a picture crossing the road. However I was one of those crazy people! I did succeed in getting the picture and had one actually turn out very funny because of it. It was a fun adventure for the day before my evening adventure!

Then I came home got ready and made my way back to the bus stop and train station to go and see Wicked! the premise for Wicked is the back story for the Wizard of Oz. It is a beautiful tale and I highly suggest going to see it if you have the chance! I had such a wonderful time. The opening song came on and I started crying. As the production moved on I cried some more and by the end I was sobbing. I was an emotional wreck. Some of those songs are just so moving and beautiful. It made it 10 times better that the Elphaba was done so well. She was so amazing I just was breathless every time she started to sing!

I had such an amazing time!

Long day tomorrow!

Until Then!

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