Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Adventures on a Monday!

What another long day! (This is a day late because of how long of a day it was!)

I started off my morning in class discussing Shakespeare and the Magna Carta. It was the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta. Which is a pretty big deal here in London especially since there are a few copies in different museums and other historical places. Basically the Magna Carta gave rights to worth men who owned their own land. Long story short it was a way that people could stay on track of everything and have some sort of law code to abide by. Then I went through some sonnets and class was over!

Yesterday I was unsure of what I wanted to do. Then I realized why not go to Platform 9 3/4! So that is what I did! We ventured on the underground until we arrived at King's Cross Station and looked around for a solid 5 minutes until we came upon it. It was different from the time I went in 3rd grade. But it was still just as magical as I remembered it. We waited in line until we got closer. It was cool the photographer and the other employee knew I was a Hufflepuff right away. It is so interesting to know that people know what house you are in right before you even talk to them. I think it was a lot of fun though. I got this awesome picture of me with my scarf flying as I go into the wall. This picture redeems me from the one I took in 3rd grade by simply standing beside it not realizing the kind of impact it would have on me. Then of course I went into the shop and bought my ticket, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", some postcards and the photo they took. It was so much fun. I'm so happy I did it.

Then I came back and got ready to go and see the Beaux' Stratagem. It was such a good production of this show! When we did it at Thiel I was very confused and I felt like I never understood what was going on. But in this production I could finally follow the plot and laughed a lot more! It was so funny and it was an honor to go! I went with my professor and we had a blast. My favorite part that was different from Thiel was the costuming and the staging. They used outfits that would have been primarily used in the 1800's and the staging was so cool too. I just had so much fun seeing it here in London.

Then we returned home! I had such a great day!

Until later!

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