Monday, June 29, 2015

Beach day!

Today was all about the beach!

There are no pictures of the beach but I can tell you it was so beautiful! I am also very burned now! I kept reapplying sunscreen but it just was not doing it. Thankfully today we invested in an umbrella and I also invested in a very large bottle of water to keep myself hydrated. It worked until I realized how burned I was.  

However, besides the burn I just love the beach here. I have never been able to go so far out in the water and still be able to see the ground below my toes. I think in the Gulf may have been the only time but even then after awhile you start to lose where you are walking. Here it is so clear it is so amazing. Also the sun here is so different. I realized that there are no clouds to protect you from the sun. Our tour guide mentioned a few days ago that it has not rained here in 6 weeks. How crazy is that? But it was so beautiful.

Then we had some lunch or tapas technically because of the timing. I had some calamari or calamares in Spanish. It was okay not the best but still a pretty good snack seeing as all I had for breakfast was a croissant. Then we packed up and went home!

I showered and got ready for dinner!

Dinner was amazing because I had ice cream! It was a brownie sundae. I also had some Fanta Limon. Basically a fancy name for some lemonade that has some carbonation in it. Either way it was super good and filled me up surprisingly.

Then I came home and took care of my burn. Tomorrow I probably won't be going out just to make sure I have time to heal and sleep some of this burn off.

Until then!

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