Thursday, June 25, 2015

Stones and Baths

Today was a long day! 


There was a lot of traveling involved so it made it seem never ending I feel like. But we started off kind of late today and made our way to the famous Stonehenge. While there I got some pictures and listened to the audio guide but since we were short on time I unfortunately didn't have a chance to listen to it all. But our bus driver covered most of it. Basically these stones have been around for over 3050 years. They come from they think Wales and they brought them along the coast and then back up to where they are now. They have ideas for what they could be used for but one is for the solstices and how the sun will rise up between the stones and will fall the same way back down. Another theory is for human sacrifice. They ultimately do not know who brought them here or who created them the way they are today. Of course there are many theories including aliens but no one is certain.

Then we piled back onto the bus and made our way to the city of Bath. While there we did a small trip around the city in our bus and got to see some of the famous sites. I found it interesting that all of the buildings looked similar. I think that was part of preserving the town though. We got to see part of the royal crescent which was really beautiful and then finally made our way to the actual Roman Baths. It was quite interesting to actually go in and see the old Roman Baths themselves. I really thought it was cool the history behind it. How it started off as a Celtic tradition and then when the Romans came they changed it to match their beliefs and their traditions. We walked around the museum and then got to go and actually see the different baths that were there. The water is said to be about 115 degrees Fahrenheit. At the end it was really cool to be able to actually drink some of the water. The water from the baths is said to have healing powers and will heal any sickness that anyone has. It was overall a very fascinating place to explore and look at the different historical objects.

This was our last excursion in London and it was very bittersweet! Tomorrow I am off to do some stuff on my own!

Until then!

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