Thursday, June 11, 2015

Windsor and Eaton!

Today we went to Windsor Castle and Eaton College!

Let me start off with saying that the area is absolutely beautiful. The first thing we saw coming out of the train tunnel was the castle and it is breathtaking. It is just so large compared to everything else in the town that it really takes the attention of everyone around. We first walked the windy path down to Eaton College.  

What is really interesting about the schooling in England is that there are different tiers of schooling. The grade levels are also different. So Eaton College is a secondary public school. This means that the fees to get in are very high (around 13,000 a term). The private have fees but are not as high as the public. Then the state schools are free (similar to public schools back in the states). The other interesting fact about the secondary school is that it goes from ages 13 to 18 then they will go onto another school such as Oxford or Cambridge. There is another school they could go to if they are interested in math too. Oh and the part that makes this school so interesting? It is an all male school. It somewhat reminded me of Hogwarts. But it was really cool to see the boys transitioning between classes. They all wear these specific uniforms that remind me of a conductor's uniform. They have long tails and black pants and a bow tie. They live in dorm style buildings and are watched after by House Masters and Dames. It was just interesting to hear how the boys go to school and lived in that type of environment.

Then we went for lunch and I had an amazing Prawn and Marie Rose sandwich. We went to a restaurant called the Duchess of Cambridge. It was very nice and filled me. Then we got some ice cream because even if I was full there is always room for ice cream. (At least that's what my mom thinks :) Then we made our way up to Windsor castle.

I was unsure of what to expect honestly. I knew it was a place of history but I was unsure of what I would see and experience. Let me first mention that today was an unexpected day with weather. It was gorgeous. We first explored the gate that important dignitaries would go through and the lawn. Then we went to St. George's Chapel. Gorgeous! It was so pretty and is the best representation of perpendicular architecture from that time. We also saw the grave of King Henry VIII. It was just so beautiful the architecture and the stained glass windows. Then we looked out over the northern Terrace. It was evident that this castle was used as a fortress so many years ago. You could see very far out and even to where Eaton College is located.

Then we finally got to go inside. First stop was to see Queen Mary's Dolls' House. It was basically a replica of the castle for her dolls. It was a present to her. It had electric and plumbing. Everything was so realistic it was so cool! Then we went into the states apartments. These are the places that the Queen will use during special events and that special dignitaries will spend their time during their stay at Windsor castle. Then we made it into the different rooms. There are tons of rooms that are there for each member of the royalty. I think my favorite room was the Great Hall. It made me feel like I was in a movie it was just very fascinating to see all the different coats of armor and different knights armor. It was a very neat place to explore.

Then we came home! I had some dinner and I got to just relax. Tomorrow I have class and then I will be attending afternoon tea!

Until then!

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