Monday, June 29, 2015


What a beautiful city!

When we arrived I had no idea what to expect from this city. We started the day off with a tour of Tarragona. We learned about how the Romans were first established here and the different kinds of buildings that made a big difference in the city.

First we looked around the area in which our hotel was established. Originally this area used to be in a place called the circus. This is where chariot racing used to take place. During the time when buildings were being built they didn't preserve a lot of the ancient ruins but now they are destroying these buildings to find them so they can preserve them.

Then we went and saw the city model. It was very interesting to see how the whole Roman city was built and how they built upon such a large hill. We saw where our hotel is and how it was a part of the circus. We also saw the different theaters and amphitheater. As well as the old Roman temples and forums. Then we moved onto see the Cathedral.

This was so beautiful. We first saw the cloister inside. This is basically a closing around an area. It was very pretty and full of blooming flowers and sparkling fountains. Then we actually were able to go inside. Even though mass was still going on we could walk around and see some of the beautiful architecture. It was super cool to see the difference in architecture and the periods. For example there were frescos from the medival time and the architecture inside was very Gothic. The cathedral is actually about 2 times larger than what the Roman temple would have been. Then we walked towards some of the other Roman ruins.

Here we were able to see some of the tunnels underneath the circus. It was so cool to know that these were preserved and kept for so long. Then we made our way to the amphitheater. This was very cool. This was where they would do animal hunts and other events that included the animals. There is said to be a chapel located inside so that the people could pray before and after to the different Gods and Goddess' before competing.

Then we went to the beach! It was so nice! I have never been so excited to lay out in the sun and just get some Vitamin D!

Then we left and came home, showered, and went back out to get some dinner. Then we came back and fell right to sleep because of the long day we had had.

Until later.

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