Saturday, June 20, 2015

Eye see you!

Today I went on the London Eye!

Way back when in 3rd grade when I first came to London we did this adventure to the London Eye and I am thankful to have done it again today. It is a view that never changes I feel like.

The London Eye is basically a very large Ferris Wheel that gives the viewer a 360 degree view of the city of London. You can see Big Ben, the Shard, the Globe theater even! I saw all of these places. I think that since we did it so later on in the trip it was really cool to compare it to the places we had already been and the places we maybe wanted to go back to or even just to go visit for a first time.

It was such a beautiful view. Then we got lost walking around near the Kensington area and then finally made it home!

It was so nice too the weather was perfect. We have had an amazing douse of weather while we are here. I am very thankful for that.

Until later!

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