Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It's officially been a month!

So I have officially been here for a month over in the British Isles! I can't believe it!

I have learned so much already and have achieved so much. I want to just recap some of the things that I have done:
  • I have climbed multiple mountains and learned it is quite acceptable to go hiking in the rain whether it be up to a fort or near some mountains.
  • I have seen a dozen cathedrals and churches yet I still find the beauty in them. I find them to have so much history you can't pass them up.
  • I have learned the difference between chips and crisps very quickly. As well as the difference between sparkling and still water.
  • I have learned a lot about myself. The fact I have grown up. As well as learned how to keep a budget, keep up with my studies, and most importantly how to have fun.  
  • I have learned to love myself a little bit more each day. I have overcome a lot of different struggles. I am very proud to have completed these tasks!
Okay so enough of that! Here is what I did today!

Started out with some class this morning! We read some of King Arthur and his adventures. And in Shakespeare we went over the different sonnets.

Then started my adventure for the day. After a wonderful PB&J sandwich me and a couple other girls jumped onto the underground and headed for St. Paul's Cathedral. We had seen it in passing when we went to the globe but seeing it up close was so much more breathtaking. I was amazed at just how large it was. We went inside and actually got to go up the stairs up to the first level towards the whispering gallery. It was so beautiful to look down on the paintings around the dome and above as well. Then we got to go up another 119 stairs up to the outside where we could see outside to the city of London. It was probably one of the best days to go because the weather was absolutely perfect. We didn't get to go to the top but we have the chance to go again if we want to later on. So then we climbed all of those stairs back (which is a lot) and finally made it back down to the ground floor. Then we went onto our next adventure to the Science Museum of London.

This was really interesting for me because of my love for the sciences. But also just because I enjoy the different information they supplied. I found it really cool some of the things they had such as an EMI machine which is like a CT scan. As well as one of the first MRI machines that were used for brain scans and of course for me I was very excited to see all of that. Then I got to see the differences in technology over the years which was cool to see the different generations in computers and in phones. Then we made it to the upper floors where we got to explore light which is always fun and just reminded me a lot of my physics class back in high school. We went into the Shadow Trap and got to play with our shadows and write with a UV pen on the wall. It was very fun to be able to do that. But then sadly they informed us it was closed and we couldn't go and see the History of medicine exhibit which means I just will have to go back!

Then we moved onto our last adventure to the British Library. We arrived and walked around looking for the rare books room and when we finally found it they informed us it was closed. So sadly this adventure was also shortly lived and we ended up just finding dinner and returning home.

Overall, today was an amazing day and I had such a great time. Tomorrow I get to go on the Harry Potter Studio Tour (I CAN'T WAIT).

Until Then!

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