Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sick day

Today has not been the best that is for sure.

I woke up with an upset stomach and continued to have it all day. Won't go into details but it was just miserable. I did get to sleep for the majority of the day though. I am also thankful it was during this week and not next where I will have my classes going.

For now I am drinking lots of water and getting lots of rest. I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow. There is a fireworks show and I want to make sure I can go and see it.

Until tomorrow.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Beach day!

Today was all about the beach!

There are no pictures of the beach but I can tell you it was so beautiful! I am also very burned now! I kept reapplying sunscreen but it just was not doing it. Thankfully today we invested in an umbrella and I also invested in a very large bottle of water to keep myself hydrated. It worked until I realized how burned I was.  

However, besides the burn I just love the beach here. I have never been able to go so far out in the water and still be able to see the ground below my toes. I think in the Gulf may have been the only time but even then after awhile you start to lose where you are walking. Here it is so clear it is so amazing. Also the sun here is so different. I realized that there are no clouds to protect you from the sun. Our tour guide mentioned a few days ago that it has not rained here in 6 weeks. How crazy is that? But it was so beautiful.

Then we had some lunch or tapas technically because of the timing. I had some calamari or calamares in Spanish. It was okay not the best but still a pretty good snack seeing as all I had for breakfast was a croissant. Then we packed up and went home!

I showered and got ready for dinner!

Dinner was amazing because I had ice cream! It was a brownie sundae. I also had some Fanta Limon. Basically a fancy name for some lemonade that has some carbonation in it. Either way it was super good and filled me up surprisingly.

Then I came home and took care of my burn. Tomorrow I probably won't be going out just to make sure I have time to heal and sleep some of this burn off.

Until then!


What a beautiful city!

When we arrived I had no idea what to expect from this city. We started the day off with a tour of Tarragona. We learned about how the Romans were first established here and the different kinds of buildings that made a big difference in the city.

First we looked around the area in which our hotel was established. Originally this area used to be in a place called the circus. This is where chariot racing used to take place. During the time when buildings were being built they didn't preserve a lot of the ancient ruins but now they are destroying these buildings to find them so they can preserve them.

Then we went and saw the city model. It was very interesting to see how the whole Roman city was built and how they built upon such a large hill. We saw where our hotel is and how it was a part of the circus. We also saw the different theaters and amphitheater. As well as the old Roman temples and forums. Then we moved onto see the Cathedral.

This was so beautiful. We first saw the cloister inside. This is basically a closing around an area. It was very pretty and full of blooming flowers and sparkling fountains. Then we actually were able to go inside. Even though mass was still going on we could walk around and see some of the beautiful architecture. It was super cool to see the difference in architecture and the periods. For example there were frescos from the medival time and the architecture inside was very Gothic. The cathedral is actually about 2 times larger than what the Roman temple would have been. Then we walked towards some of the other Roman ruins.

Here we were able to see some of the tunnels underneath the circus. It was so cool to know that these were preserved and kept for so long. Then we made our way to the amphitheater. This was very cool. This was where they would do animal hunts and other events that included the animals. There is said to be a chapel located inside so that the people could pray before and after to the different Gods and Goddess' before competing.

Then we went to the beach! It was so nice! I have never been so excited to lay out in the sun and just get some Vitamin D!

Then we left and came home, showered, and went back out to get some dinner. Then we came back and fell right to sleep because of the long day we had had.

Until later.

Saturday, June 27, 2015



Today was such a crazy fun filled day!

Started off this morning bright and early at 4am. I got up and showered and ready to go so I was out the door by 5am. Then we met the coach and we were brought to Gatwick airport where then we waited for our flight to Barcelona! Before we flew out though we stopped for breakfast and I actually got a pancake breakfast. It was one of the best things I have ever had I swear! Then we made our way down to the gate and finally onto the plane. I was on a window seat so I was able to look out over the land. It was really fascinating to see all of the different landscapes and how they changed over the regions. When we finally made our decent into Barcelona I was in awe with how pronounced all of the buildings and their colors were just from the sky alone. Then we made it to the airport, through customs, and picking up our bags, and then we met with our other CIS leader. Then we waited for the rest of the group to join us.

Then we made our way to Tarragona! It was a beautiful site to see all the different places along the way and the changes in landscape in that short distance as well. It went form being filled with cliffs to being very beachy. Then we made it! We had a buffet for lunch which was interesting. I honestly had n idea what I was eating half the time. But then we finally made it to our hotel! It is so nice here. Compared to the hostels from earlier this trip this is the best place we have stayed so far. Then we went and did some exploring.

We originally were going to see the human towers that are built but turned out by the time we got out there they were already finished. So then we adventured and decided to take a stroll to the beach! Well this stroll ended up taking a solid 2 hours trying to get down there and another 2 hours just standing in the water near the beach and then another 1 just having some drinks and water at the local bar. It was so much fun. Even though it was a lot of walking it was so worth it!

Then we made our way back to the hotel and decided it was time for some dinner and we went and got some pastries and more water. It was very delicious.

So far I have learned many things with my time here in Tarragona.
1. Spanish is their native language and therefore that is what they will speak. I have learned to go with the flow and that pointing and body language really helps when in a sticky situation! I also learned some new Spanish words and am starting to understand a little of what everyone is saying.
2. Water will become my best friend. There are no water fountains just like in England. Which I don't mind but it means I have to carry my own because of how hot it gets. But I don't mind!

The beaches are beautiful and today was an amazing day. Tomorrow we have a tour of Tarragona and then I am going to the beach!

Until then. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Last day in England!

Wow! I can't believe the time has finally come for me to pack my bags again and prepare for the last stretch of my journey.

I can't believe that I am going to Spain tomorrow! I just got my housing information for my apartment in Barcelona and I am getting very excited for this chance.

However, that all starts tomorrow today I did get to do to some very cool stuff!

I started off with heading to the Museum of London. There was obviously a lot of history but compared to other museums it was the history of London and how the Romans came and invaded and established some of their history here and then how times continued and different groups of people came in and out of the area. I think my favorite part had to be the Victorian age where everything was so proper I feel like. It also seemed kind of sad and depressed. I also enjoyed learning how the Romans did come through and made London another home for them.

Then I traveled back on the underground and made my way back to the Science Museum. I have to say that this museum had to have been my favorite. I finally had the chance to see the History Of Medicine exhibit that they have there. I think my favorite part was at the beginning where they showed people in the Neolithic age performing a lobotomy and then the part in the science and art of medicine exhibit where they discussed Histology. It reminded me a lot of my first neuroscience class and how we went so in depth with the discussion of how people discovered the different things. There was even some original stuff from Cajal who we spent a large amount of time talking about. I also enjoyed seeing the other psychological tools that have been used over time. I thought it was interesting to think that these items would never be permitted but were used almost every day on patients.

Then I made my way home!

Tonight I have the welcome dinner and I am interested to see how that will go! And tomorrow I leave at 5:20 am on a flight to Spain!

I can't wait!

Until then!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Stones and Baths

Today was a long day! 


There was a lot of traveling involved so it made it seem never ending I feel like. But we started off kind of late today and made our way to the famous Stonehenge. While there I got some pictures and listened to the audio guide but since we were short on time I unfortunately didn't have a chance to listen to it all. But our bus driver covered most of it. Basically these stones have been around for over 3050 years. They come from they think Wales and they brought them along the coast and then back up to where they are now. They have ideas for what they could be used for but one is for the solstices and how the sun will rise up between the stones and will fall the same way back down. Another theory is for human sacrifice. They ultimately do not know who brought them here or who created them the way they are today. Of course there are many theories including aliens but no one is certain.

Then we piled back onto the bus and made our way to the city of Bath. While there we did a small trip around the city in our bus and got to see some of the famous sites. I found it interesting that all of the buildings looked similar. I think that was part of preserving the town though. We got to see part of the royal crescent which was really beautiful and then finally made our way to the actual Roman Baths. It was quite interesting to actually go in and see the old Roman Baths themselves. I really thought it was cool the history behind it. How it started off as a Celtic tradition and then when the Romans came they changed it to match their beliefs and their traditions. We walked around the museum and then got to go and actually see the different baths that were there. The water is said to be about 115 degrees Fahrenheit. At the end it was really cool to be able to actually drink some of the water. The water from the baths is said to have healing powers and will heal any sickness that anyone has. It was overall a very fascinating place to explore and look at the different historical objects.

This was our last excursion in London and it was very bittersweet! Tomorrow I am off to do some stuff on my own!

Until then!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Half way there!

So today actually marks the halfway point of my journey. It is crazy to think that at the this Saturday I will have been abroad for a total of 5 weeks. I still have about 5 more to go though.

So I started off today with some class and we watched Robin Hood! Not the cool version like men in tights or the newer version. It was still cool nonetheless. Robin Hood was still in tights. But then class ended and it was our last class together!

Then I made a trip to Hammersmith and finally shipped a box home! It felt good to drop some of that stuff off and not have to worry about it while I go onto Barcelona! I won't need any sweaters there!

Then I came back and did some laundry which was much needed! And then I decided to do something fun for the evening!

I booked a ticket for the local movie theater (or cinema as they like to call it) and go see Jurassic World. So a couple things about the cinema. They have assigned seating. . . It was one of the weirdest things ever. They also have weird seating in general. Then while waiting for the movie they had music playing rather than regular commercials. They started playing High School Musical and I knew it would be an interesting time there. They also have sweet popcorn and salty popcorn and you get to choose which one you have! It was soooo cool. It was just a really cool experience to go here.

Then of course the movie was amazing. I didn't know what to expect seeing as I have never seen the original Jurassic Park movies. But this was really well done. I was on the edge of my seat for awhile that is for sure.

Then I traveled back home and here I am getting ready for my last excursion tomorrow. We are going to Stonehenge and Bath. It is very bittersweet to know that tomorrow is our last day as a whole group doing something together.

Anyways, Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

If music be the food of love, play on

What a long day!

Started off with going on the coach and taking a 2 hour bus ride to Stratford-Upon-Avon. We had a small tour through the town on the coach and then we made it the birthplace of Shakespeare. Then we walked up to the river Avon and hung out there and then headed back towards his birthplace. We stopped for some lunch and then made our way to his house.

It was very fascinating to see that a lot of his works came from this house and him growing up. There was authentic furniture all throughout. I think it was really cool that his house is seen as a place for pilgrimage for readers and writers. There was a window that people had come to sign when they made the journey. One of the notable writers that came were Sir Walter Scott. Then we made it outside where a bunch of actors were acting out different scenes from selected scenes. It was really cool to see them between all the different characters.

Then we traveled about an hour towards the Cotswold's. This literally means sheep hills. It was a cute little quaint town. We walked by the river and then past a church and finally found a ice cream shop and had dessert for the day.

Then we got back onto the bus and headed back home. But my day was far from over.

My friend and I finally returned to the British library. It was amazing to see the rare books exhibit. I fell in love with it. The first section we came across was the science. They had the notebook that had the original findings for penicillin drawn. As well as some other notebooks about the science of humans. Then we saw some of the different sacred texts' such as some of the original bibles, and Islamic texts'. It was so cool to see such beautifully done things. Then we saw some of the original Beatles lyric sheets. It was so cool!! And it only got better from there. We saw the oldest copy of Beowulf. It was so well kept and then there were other copies of the translated version as well. Then there were original scores. I died during this part. There were scores from Stravinsky, Mozart, Beethoven, and others. My favorite part had to be the score from Vaughen Williams for his Folksongs and I am pretty sure that it was part of the Folksong Suite that I have played before. It was so cool to put those connections together. Finally I saw some of the older translations and transcriptions of the Shakespeare plays. It was really cool to see all of this.

Then we finished our night at a restaurant called The Shakespeare and I felt like it was a wonderful ending to a wonderful day.

Until Tomorrow! 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Are we born wicked?

Or do we have wickedness thrust upon us?

Today was a very fun day.

Started off in class which is always a blast. Talked a little about Robin Hood and then a little bit about Browning. Then we left for the day!

I had no idea what I was going to do until I remembered the famous Abbey Road. We took the Underground into Jubilee and then walked for what felt like forever. But then we finally made it! You know you made it to Abbey Road because although there may be tons of cars going past there are people always trying to get a picture crossing the road. However I was one of those crazy people! I did succeed in getting the picture and had one actually turn out very funny because of it. It was a fun adventure for the day before my evening adventure!

Then I came home got ready and made my way back to the bus stop and train station to go and see Wicked! the premise for Wicked is the back story for the Wizard of Oz. It is a beautiful tale and I highly suggest going to see it if you have the chance! I had such a wonderful time. The opening song came on and I started crying. As the production moved on I cried some more and by the end I was sobbing. I was an emotional wreck. Some of those songs are just so moving and beautiful. It made it 10 times better that the Elphaba was done so well. She was so amazing I just was breathless every time she started to sing!

I had such an amazing time!

Long day tomorrow!

Until Then!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The West End

It was a good day.  

I got to sleep in super late. I finally was able to catch up on some sleep which was really nice.

Then we went to West End Live! I had no idea what it was until we got there. But it was so much fun! It was a showcase of all of the new or old musicals that have been playing in London and are continuing to be played now and later on into July and August. It was a lot of fun to just chill and listen to some musicals today! It was at Trafalgar Square and it wasn't as packed as I thought it would be. However, yesterday there were a lot more musicals, such as Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, and more. Today there was Jersey Boys, Avenue Q, and some other cool ones that we go to watch!

Then I we came home and I had dinner!

Until tomorrow!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Lazy day and pancakes!

Today was really just a lazy day.  

I watched a few movies. I did some reading for my classes and finished my homework for my Spanish class.

Then I made a trip to ASDA! I got a lot of fresh fruit which made me very happy! I also found the one thing I have been craving this whole trip!


I am so happy and excited to try these.

Anyways tomorrow not sure what will happen might go check out some museums.

Until Then!

Eye see you!

Today I went on the London Eye!

Way back when in 3rd grade when I first came to London we did this adventure to the London Eye and I am thankful to have done it again today. It is a view that never changes I feel like.

The London Eye is basically a very large Ferris Wheel that gives the viewer a 360 degree view of the city of London. You can see Big Ben, the Shard, the Globe theater even! I saw all of these places. I think that since we did it so later on in the trip it was really cool to compare it to the places we had already been and the places we maybe wanted to go back to or even just to go visit for a first time.

It was such a beautiful view. Then we got lost walking around near the Kensington area and then finally made it home!

It was so nice too the weather was perfect. We have had an amazing douse of weather while we are here. I am very thankful for that.

Until later!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Yer a wizard, Harry!

I had such an amazing day today.

I really don't know how else to describe it. It was so magical. (sorry in advance for all the puns). We arrived at the Harry Potter Studios and I was amazed at how big it was. I didn't realize that they had used these places for the actual filming. We were queued into a room where then we moved into a large cinema room where we saw a little bit of what the story of Harry Potter was established. Afterwards the screen moved up and the doors to the Great Hall were revealed. I cried. It was so amazing to see the Great Hall right in front of me. Not only that but you could see the stone figures that McGonagall takes down during the 7th movie to fight during the Hogwarts war. In the Great Hall we saw the actual stone floor that was used. It isn't as big as I thought it would be. But there were costumes worn by the different characters as well. Such as Cedric Diggary's costume, Draco Malfoy's, Neville's costume from the last movie with his knit sweater. There was also Hagrid's costume and some other professor's at the head table. It was so amazing.

Then we moved into the first set of artifacts in the next room. We saw so many different things. Such as the fountain that was used in Goblet of Fire and the different Yule Ball costumes. Then we saw some of the make-up they had to use on each character. I think my favorite part of this beginning section was the clock from the tower they used during the 3rd movie right outside of the infirmary. There were just so many props and costumes that were here that made me think of each and every movie. The other cool part was the actual door used in Chamber of Secrets. It actually movies! You would think it would be CGI but it was mechanical!! Then there were certain parts such as the Horcruxes that were there and the scene where Nagini crosses the table to kill the professor in the 7th movie. It was just so amazing.

There was a new part too that has just been added! It is the actual Hogwarts Express!!! It steamed too and you could hear the whistle of it too. It was so amazing. They had another Platform 9 3/4 here as well. Then we got some lunch! I got the famous butterbeer it was delicious! Tasted a lot like cream soda.

Then we moved onto the next part which was outside. We saw Privet Drive! It was just so cool to see all of these different things. Then we moved onto the next stage where the different creatures were kept. So I saw the Dobby figure that was made, Buckbeak, The Basilisk, and some other notable figures as well! Did you know that the man who actually played Hagrid was a rugby player that was dressed as Hagrid from far away? But while close up it was a mechanical head! It was so cool to see all of this! Then we made it into the different concept art rooms where they keep all of the art work that was created to bring the different characters to life. Then we moved into the different scale models of all the different buildings they would need to create in the movies.

Then came the part I was not expecting. Hogwarts Castle. They used this model to film most of the parts that showed the exterior of the castle. It was breathtaking. All of the details and all of the little parts of the castle that were needed to show its beauty. It was amazing. I am so thankful for this experience. Then came another amazing part was the wand memorial room. In this room everyone on the cast and crew received a wand with their name on it. Most of the names were scattered but there is one pair for example, the couple fell in love on the set and a few years before this room was built the wife had passed so they were put together. It was magical being in that room and knowing that everyone that was there had such a huge part of those movies.

Then I hit the gift shop. There was so much stuff it was crazy! Granted I got myself a few things it was all so cool just to be there.

So tomorrow who knows what will happen. But for now I am going to delve into the Magical world of Harry Potter.

Until Then!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It's officially been a month!

So I have officially been here for a month over in the British Isles! I can't believe it!

I have learned so much already and have achieved so much. I want to just recap some of the things that I have done:
  • I have climbed multiple mountains and learned it is quite acceptable to go hiking in the rain whether it be up to a fort or near some mountains.
  • I have seen a dozen cathedrals and churches yet I still find the beauty in them. I find them to have so much history you can't pass them up.
  • I have learned the difference between chips and crisps very quickly. As well as the difference between sparkling and still water.
  • I have learned a lot about myself. The fact I have grown up. As well as learned how to keep a budget, keep up with my studies, and most importantly how to have fun.  
  • I have learned to love myself a little bit more each day. I have overcome a lot of different struggles. I am very proud to have completed these tasks!
Okay so enough of that! Here is what I did today!

Started out with some class this morning! We read some of King Arthur and his adventures. And in Shakespeare we went over the different sonnets.

Then started my adventure for the day. After a wonderful PB&J sandwich me and a couple other girls jumped onto the underground and headed for St. Paul's Cathedral. We had seen it in passing when we went to the globe but seeing it up close was so much more breathtaking. I was amazed at just how large it was. We went inside and actually got to go up the stairs up to the first level towards the whispering gallery. It was so beautiful to look down on the paintings around the dome and above as well. Then we got to go up another 119 stairs up to the outside where we could see outside to the city of London. It was probably one of the best days to go because the weather was absolutely perfect. We didn't get to go to the top but we have the chance to go again if we want to later on. So then we climbed all of those stairs back (which is a lot) and finally made it back down to the ground floor. Then we went onto our next adventure to the Science Museum of London.

This was really interesting for me because of my love for the sciences. But also just because I enjoy the different information they supplied. I found it really cool some of the things they had such as an EMI machine which is like a CT scan. As well as one of the first MRI machines that were used for brain scans and of course for me I was very excited to see all of that. Then I got to see the differences in technology over the years which was cool to see the different generations in computers and in phones. Then we made it to the upper floors where we got to explore light which is always fun and just reminded me a lot of my physics class back in high school. We went into the Shadow Trap and got to play with our shadows and write with a UV pen on the wall. It was very fun to be able to do that. But then sadly they informed us it was closed and we couldn't go and see the History of medicine exhibit which means I just will have to go back!

Then we moved onto our last adventure to the British Library. We arrived and walked around looking for the rare books room and when we finally found it they informed us it was closed. So sadly this adventure was also shortly lived and we ended up just finding dinner and returning home.

Overall, today was an amazing day and I had such a great time. Tomorrow I get to go on the Harry Potter Studio Tour (I CAN'T WAIT).

Until Then!