Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Cliffs of Moher, Burren, and Galway!

This is posted a day late due to the fact the internet here isn’t all the best. But here is what happened today on our first trip out as a group.

First let me say that I really enjoy Ireland a lot so far. It is such a beautiful country and one that I am excited to be traveling around. Our first stop today was back to Shannon airport where we met up with the rest of the group. Then we traveled to the Cliffs of Moher. I’m not really sure what I was expecting. I think I just pictured more rocks like what I saw when I went to the Grand Canyon. But just like I was shocked by how large and beautiful the Grand Canyon was the comparison to how the Cliffs of Moher is insane. They were so beautiful. But also super windy and I was scared while walking down the path that I might trip over myself and fall towards the water. I thought it was interesting that they were like that naturally. At first the group went to O’Brien point where there was this quaint little castle and it was just really nice. Then it started to rain and it was a weird type of rain too. It came in waves and fell in sheets. By the time we returned to the bottom of the hill I was drenched and had rain in not too great places. However after exploring the little shop and eating some lunch we ventured out towards Hag’s Head where we dried off a little because of how strong the wind was. I found some awesome picture spots too that made it really awesome to get some photos. Then we all got back onto the bus and started driving towards Burren. It was an interesting trip as we learned about the different landscapes. For example more towards Cliffs of Moher we could see where different farms that had been hit by the potato famine were located. But when we got closer towards Burren, which means bare and rocky land in Gaelic, it was evident that the limestone was a prominent figure for the land. It was beautiful to look at both locations.

Then we finally made it to our hostel! I had never been to one before and was not really sure what to expect. When we arrived I was placed in a 12 person dorm room filled with bunk beds and a bathroom. Its cozy to say the least! Once we arrived we then traveled to our welcome dinner where I had a seafood chowder, rib eye steak and chips, and a soufle cookie. It was delicious! Later on that night I traveled throughout the city with some friends and just explored. Then came back to the hostel because it would be a long day tomorrow!

That was my first day in Galway! Until next time!

Also just wanted to note that because of the wifi I will be unable to post the pictures to this until a few days from now! Sorry!

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