Monday, May 25, 2015

Giant's and more!

Wow what a day! *I keep trying to come up with other ideas of how to start but I feel as though I am unsuccessful!*

Today we took a ride to Derry! Where we had an amazing tour guide who taught us so much about the city. He had such a love for his city and such an appreciation for everything that happened in the city. He was very blunt about some of the history behind all of the fighting that happened in the late 90's. However I feel like it helped a lot to understand what was happening. The city was the only non-sieged city in Ireland as well as in Europe! It had some really awesome history within those walls. I really feel like I understood what was happening with that city and the pride they all have. One of the major things that happened today as well was going inside to the St. Columb. While inside we got to see some very old tapestries that were from WWII and they were brought there when the person came back healthy and strong they would bring back a flag and they hung them and they are there forever. We also got to see the chapter house where there were some very interesting artifacts. Such as a chalice that had been used since 1615. As well as some other interesting books as well as some reproduced copies of some of the manuscripts from the Book of Kells. So cool!

Then we traveled to the Giant's Causeway. I am going to be honest I thought that when they said Giant it was the name of the person who discovered it not a literal giant. Here is the myth which comes from a cite online

The Causeway story tells us that Finn lived happily on the Antrim coast with his wife Oonagh until he discovered he had a rival in Scotland known as Benandonner.   Finn was frequently taunted by Benandonner from afar and on one occasion Finn scooped up a clod of earth and hurled it across the sea at him but missed.  The huge clod of earth landed in the middle of the Irish Sea making the Isle of Man and the depression formed from scooping up the earth filled up with water to become Lough Neagh.
Finn finally challenged Benandonner to a proper fight and decided to build a causeway of enormous stepping stones across the sea to Scotland, so that he could walk across without getting his feet wet. But as he approached and caught sight of the great bulk of Benandonner, Finn became afraid and fled back home, with Benandonner hot on his trail. In his haste as he ran, Finn lost one of his great boots and today it can be seen sitting on the foreshore in Port Noffer where it fell to the ground.
The story takes a humorous twist when Finn asks his wife Oonagh to help him hide. Clever Oonagh disguised Finn as a baby and pushed him into a huge cradle, so when Benandonner saw the size of the sleeping ‘child’, he assumed the father must be GIGANTIC. Benandonner fled home in terror, ripping up the Causeway as he went in case he was followed.
The story concludes that this is the reason that the Giant’s Causeway exists in north Antrim, with similar columns at Fingal’s Cave on the Scottish island of Staffa.

It was beautiful! And a place I am thankful I took the time to go all the way down to. It was overall such a beautiful experience. Then we came back to the hostel and I took a trip down from the hostel towards a church that actually has been seen in the show "Game of Thrones"! The view was so nice and the weather was really awesome too!

I can't believe that tomorrow I will be in Scotland! I have officially completed a whole week overseas! I am excited to be getting on the road towards another new adventure.

Until then!

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