Thursday, May 21, 2015


This is my blog post for yesterday 5/20/15! Totally forgot to do this last night. It’s been a pretty crazy few days that’s for sure! Also just like yesterday pictures may be hard to post until a later time but they are beautiful for sure!

So yesterday we had a walking tour of Galway. It was really awesome to start off and see all the history that was surrounding us and the hostel we were staying at. The first thing we saw was the original Claddagh ring store. The importance of this was the fact it was named after the Claddagh village which was right down the road. The ring has the two hands surrounding the heart and the crown on top. Then we traveled along the streets and stopped at this beautiful church named St. Nicolas. There were a ton of cool things that occurred here including the fact Christopher Columbus had actually stopped there before he discovered America. There is also a grave in this church for Jane Eyre. There is some debate though on whether it is the Jane Eyre that was inspired to create Charlotte Bronte’s book. Following the church we walked throughout the city and traveled to the Queen’s college. It looked a little like Hogwarts but was super beautiful. Major people studied there like the guy who discovered the electron and some famous surgeons as well. Also Prince Charles was there the day prior to us arriving! Then we walked along back through the city and along the promenade and it was just a beautiful sight. After resting for a while and having lunch we ventured out onto the 2 mile long promenade to where there is a rock wall that will bring good luck if you kick it. We can say that we did it! We can also say we placed our feet into Galway Bay! Then we went back and had some dinner and then explored the city some more later that night.

It was a crazy busy day and it was not hard to fall asleep last night!

Make sure to check in later tonight for my adventures from today where we traveled to the Aran Islands!

Until then!

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