Sunday, May 31, 2015

Busy Day!

I’m a day behind! But here is what happened yesterday (It was just a very crazy day!) 

So we started off the morning with a walking tour of Edinburgh. It was so beautiful. The views, buildings, and history are just magical in my opinion. We got to just walk along the streets including High Street, The Royal Mile, and Princess Street plus many more. We saw different buildings like the customs house, and my favorite the Elephant House. The significance of this building is that this was where Harry Potter came to life. We also passed the street of inspiration for J.K. Rowling for Diagon Alley. It was just so cool to feel myself there and see her coming up with these different ideas for these places. We continued through the streets and actually went to the top of Carlton hill and we had a whole view of the city. I am just so awestruck with how beautiful it was there.

The next part of the day was to see St. Giles Cathedral. The significance of the Cathedral was that John Knox created this Parish and therefore the Cathedral is Presbyterian. I thought that this history was very cool. I also found it cool with the Order of the Thistle that they have in the secret chapel to the side. The queen appoints people to be part of this order and they have services in there regularly. I just found it so interesting that the small space was used for such important matters.

Then we took a really awesome tour of Mary King’s Close. I personally had no idea what it would be like doing this tour. However, I had a blast learning all about it. Basically what happened was back in I believe the 1800’s the city council wanted to create a new Chambers building and decided they would just cut some of the buildings down and place it on top of the old foundations of the houses. But in the mid 1900’s someone was doing research down below and found all of this archeological history. The houses were so well preserved and were still right there on Mary King’s Close. In our tour we went through different houses and what it was like to live down in the small spaces provided. We also got to experience what it was like for people to have the Plague and how the people responded to it. Then we were able to walk up the old Mary King’s Close. Close meaning Street by the way!

After this we got some dinner and then traveled to the spot for our Celtic Dancing. The type of dancing we participated in was called a Ceilidh. In a way it was like line dancing or square dancing. All I can say though is I had a ton of fun! I personally enjoyed when it was just a two people dance but all of them were ultimately fun. I couldn’t have had a better time!

Then we returned to the hostel and I crashed for the night!

Sorry for this being a day late!

Until later!

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