Sunday, May 31, 2015


Wow! I love Edinburgh!

Today I got to experience the castle! It was so cold though which I feel like hindered my experience a little. However it was such a beautiful place and it is amazing the history there is locked in there. I feel like living in the past would have been so cool and interesting. So the castle was important for King James IV, V, VI as well as Mary Queen of Scots. All of them are related some way or another and they are all connected to the castle. I think one of the coolest things I got to see was the Scottish Honors. It was just a beautiful place to explore and become acquainted with. The other cool parts were when going through the different rooms of the castle and being able to see the Great Hall for example or seeing the room in which Mary Queen of Scots actually gave birth to James VI or just her bed chamber in general.
 I wish I could have spent more time there but it just got so cold! Not really good when I already have a bit of a cold myself. So afterwards I just went back to the hostel (where I am now) and caught up on some of my blogging and have a free afternoon and evening! Then tomorrow is our free day here in Edinburgh. So who knows what I might get to see tomorrow.

Until tomorrow!

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