Saturday, June 27, 2015



Today was such a crazy fun filled day!

Started off this morning bright and early at 4am. I got up and showered and ready to go so I was out the door by 5am. Then we met the coach and we were brought to Gatwick airport where then we waited for our flight to Barcelona! Before we flew out though we stopped for breakfast and I actually got a pancake breakfast. It was one of the best things I have ever had I swear! Then we made our way down to the gate and finally onto the plane. I was on a window seat so I was able to look out over the land. It was really fascinating to see all of the different landscapes and how they changed over the regions. When we finally made our decent into Barcelona I was in awe with how pronounced all of the buildings and their colors were just from the sky alone. Then we made it to the airport, through customs, and picking up our bags, and then we met with our other CIS leader. Then we waited for the rest of the group to join us.

Then we made our way to Tarragona! It was a beautiful site to see all the different places along the way and the changes in landscape in that short distance as well. It went form being filled with cliffs to being very beachy. Then we made it! We had a buffet for lunch which was interesting. I honestly had n idea what I was eating half the time. But then we finally made it to our hotel! It is so nice here. Compared to the hostels from earlier this trip this is the best place we have stayed so far. Then we went and did some exploring.

We originally were going to see the human towers that are built but turned out by the time we got out there they were already finished. So then we adventured and decided to take a stroll to the beach! Well this stroll ended up taking a solid 2 hours trying to get down there and another 2 hours just standing in the water near the beach and then another 1 just having some drinks and water at the local bar. It was so much fun. Even though it was a lot of walking it was so worth it!

Then we made our way back to the hotel and decided it was time for some dinner and we went and got some pastries and more water. It was very delicious.

So far I have learned many things with my time here in Tarragona.
1. Spanish is their native language and therefore that is what they will speak. I have learned to go with the flow and that pointing and body language really helps when in a sticky situation! I also learned some new Spanish words and am starting to understand a little of what everyone is saying.
2. Water will become my best friend. There are no water fountains just like in England. Which I don't mind but it means I have to carry my own because of how hot it gets. But I don't mind!

The beaches are beautiful and today was an amazing day. Tomorrow we have a tour of Tarragona and then I am going to the beach!

Until then. 

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