Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Finals time

It is still crazy to me that I leave in 3 days and that finals for this trip are approaching quickly.

Today for only 3 days left will be the 3 things I will miss the most from my study abroad experience.
1. The food. There is really something special with the food they have here. It tastes so different. Even just regular things like Oreo's taste different. They have a lot of strict regulations compared to the U.S. and also things are more fresh. Just today I had probably one of the best juiciest peaches in awhile. It was so fresh. Not just the fruit but rather than fast food they believe in having a pre-packaged sandwich and almost every deli, café, or even restaurant's have these. I think that this is one of the biggest changes I will experience. I will also really miss Fanta limon. It has come to be one of my favorite drinks while I have been here. It is a Fanta version of lemonade and it is delicious.
2. The ability to see a lot in a small amount of time. While on my study abroad as mentioned before I have been to 5 different countries, about 23 different cities, and have been traveling at this point for 73 days. I have seen so many different exhibits and tourist things as well as some of the local things. I have been able to see famous paintings, churches, musicals, and sites. This will be one of the things I miss the most. I will miss every day seeing the Sagrada Familia as I walk to class or when I was in London and making it to the center and seeing Big Ben or the London Eye. These are views and images I will never forget. 3. The independence. Part of growing on this trip has been my independence. I have learned to travel by myself in the cities I have been to thus far. For example, I walk home from class through the barrio of Gracia. I get to people watch on my way home and I get to see the different characteristics as they pass by. While in London I got to explore different museums on my own. Not only physically have I been independent but I feel as though I have learned to be more conscious of my own money and being careful with how I spend every dollar. I will miss having the ability to walk through these cities and learn about them as I get lost thru their beauty and people.

So onto today!

I got ready earlier than normal because I started feeling sick this morning. But I am doing good now. I came to Spanish today and it was one of the best classes I have had this whole time. I was the only one in class which was really nice because I had the ability to speak more and actually hold conversations with the teacher and get the one-on-one help I needed before this final. I know I will do greatly on this exam.

Then I had psych where we discussed an article on mental illness and how different cultures can sometimes perceive these as something different. Then we started presenting our photo projects. I will be presenting mine tomorrow.

I came home and got to relax for a little bit. It was kind of hot today so getting to just lay down and sit by the fan was really nice. Then I had the chance to work on my paper for my psych class. It has to be about 10 pages and so far I am on page 4. I feel like I can really get this done tonight. So that is my goal!

Until tomorrow!

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