Sunday, August 2, 2015

I'm home!

Wow. After a very long couple of days I finally am safe and sound in my warm bed back in the United States. 

Wow. What an amazing trip I just experienced. I can't believe that it is all over now. I have such amazing and fantastic memories. I will never forget those and if I do I have my postcards and pictures to help me remember some of those little details I forget. 

When I landed in Dulles I was super excited to see my mom. Of course I had to go through customs first. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I actually made it through in less than 2 minutes. It was super awesome. Then I waited for my luggage which felt like eternity. I had this fear it would not arrived with everyone else. That sort of freaked me out last night when they said that some countries don't do overnight baggage. I was just worried. But I had no need to be because I got it and was able to head up to meet my mom. 

It was so nice to see her. I was so happy to finally just hug her and know I was home and I was doing good. We got in the car and made our way to Bob Evans where I finally had, you guessed it, my wonderful pancake breakfast. It was so nice and delicious. I could not have been happier with it all. 

When I finally made it home I started to unpack and unwind and it just felt so nice to be in my own room and have a space for everything to go. It was just nice to feel like I had a solid place here. 

I am so unbelievably thankful I had this opportunity. It has shown me so much about the world and myself I would have never learned any of those things without this chance. I have also learned that time differences and jet lag are very real. So with that I give my final farewell. 

Until later. 

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