Sunday, August 2, 2015

I'm home!

Wow. After a very long couple of days I finally am safe and sound in my warm bed back in the United States. 

Wow. What an amazing trip I just experienced. I can't believe that it is all over now. I have such amazing and fantastic memories. I will never forget those and if I do I have my postcards and pictures to help me remember some of those little details I forget. 

When I landed in Dulles I was super excited to see my mom. Of course I had to go through customs first. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I actually made it through in less than 2 minutes. It was super awesome. Then I waited for my luggage which felt like eternity. I had this fear it would not arrived with everyone else. That sort of freaked me out last night when they said that some countries don't do overnight baggage. I was just worried. But I had no need to be because I got it and was able to head up to meet my mom. 

It was so nice to see her. I was so happy to finally just hug her and know I was home and I was doing good. We got in the car and made our way to Bob Evans where I finally had, you guessed it, my wonderful pancake breakfast. It was so nice and delicious. I could not have been happier with it all. 

When I finally made it home I started to unpack and unwind and it just felt so nice to be in my own room and have a space for everything to go. It was just nice to feel like I had a solid place here. 

I am so unbelievably thankful I had this opportunity. It has shown me so much about the world and myself I would have never learned any of those things without this chance. I have also learned that time differences and jet lag are very real. So with that I give my final farewell. 

Until later. 

Final blog post *part one*

Well I am breaking my final blog post into 2 parts. I am still on my way home at this point and I will have one when I return to the states an am back in my home! 

So it has been an amazing experience having to travel home. It was a tricky situation. I was not allowed to stay at my apartment in Barcelona past noon so that meant I had to figure out something to do. So I decided I could go and get some coffee and lunch and just relax before going to the airport especially since how early it would have been. So I waited for 3 hours and decided it was time to go and make my way to the airport. I had enough train passes to get me there in time. I took the metro one last time and then took the rail train to the airport terminal. From there I just relaxed. I got a little anxious when I found out though I was not able to check in until 8:45. That was not something I wanted to hear when I had to wait at the airport for so long and just wanted to get to my gate. After having a little tantrum to myself I pulled myself together bought some wifi and just watched some movies. 

After that around 8:15 I started making my way to the check in desk. I found a seat close by to the desk and was just sitting there when I heard someone talk to me. I remember seeing this girl previously when I had just got there at the airport. I found out that she too had done a study abroad in Barcelona for 5 weeks. I also found out we would be having the same 8 hour layover in Iceland. We immediately became friends and got to hang out. We were even in the same row. It was so nice to have someone to talk to and connect with. It made me feel safe. It was also nice because time really flew by. When we got to our gate our flight was delayed because a passanger on the earlier flight had medical complications and therefore she had to be taken off the plane. It was a sad moment. But we finally got onto the plane about a half hour late and then we didn't take off until around 1am. We landed in Barcelona time at 4 in the morning but in Rekjavic that was 3 in the morning. So Stephany (my friend) and I went to go and find somewhere to sit. We realized it was silent and that most people were already on chairs sprawled out and sleeping. It was so different to see this. There was even a section of the airport that had bean bag chairs! How awesome is that?! Then we found a set of chairs and settled in for a little nap. We both napped for a couple of hours which was nice and gave us a little bit of energy. Afterwards we woke up and decided it was time to just walk around and see what there was going on around the airport. We found the customs the night before so we felt comfortable going there. However, that is where we are now. 

I am currently waiting in the Iceland airport to get through customs and border control. Make sure to follow part two to see how the rest of my day pans out! 

Until then!